My dear friends in and around Monrovia, especially Liberia, please - TopicsExpress


My dear friends in and around Monrovia, especially Liberia, please join me in preaching sound politics and moral messages for Hon. Stanley S. Kparkillen who is hungry for bringing peace, justice, freedom, libarty and all smooth life incredients for his people in Lofa County, Liberia. Hon. Stanley S. Kparkillen is a public-spirited patriot and dedicated public servant who has served his country and people diligently. His service to the nation, which spanned more than 20 years plus, included various positions in government, private sector, agro-related, church and civil society. In all of those responsibilities, Hon. Kparkillen exhibited exemplary qualities, which is reminiscent of his humble beginnings. Born in the remote village of Salayea District, Lofa County, Mr. Kparkillen has withstood the test of time and epitomized the Liberian adage which states: “It does not matter where you are coming from, but where you are headed.” He is a radiant of hope for his home town and a model citizen. watch out for more 2014 political information for public consumption and subsequent redeemption. by: J.Y. Flomo, Friend of Kparkillen, Like · · Share. Write a comment.....James Flomo changed his profile picture. 38 minutes ago . Like · ·Unfollow Post · Share. Abraham Mosey and Mulbah Jackson like this..Laura Yemi Ilori Wow so cute nice picJuly 11 at 11:38am · Like.. Write a comment... ..James Flomo changed his profile picture. 3 hours ago . Like · ·Unfollow Post · Share. Moses Saa Fayombo and Mulbah Jackson like this.. Write a comment... ..James Flomo changed his profile picture. Yesterday . Like · ·Unfollow Post · Share. Nyenpu Vorkpor, Jackie Mecge and Hildah Mbozi like this..Angeline Zolu nice23 hours ago · Like..Jones Antoinette Great men doing great things.14 hours ago via mobile · Like..Pennie Howard beautiful10 hours ago via mobile · Like..Anita G Gubi Great boss,thks5 hours ago · Like.. Write a comment... ..James Flomo changed his profile picture. September 17 . Like · ·Unfollow Post · Share. Hildah Mbozi and Pennie Howard like this..Pennie Howard very niceSeptember 17 at 3:29pm via mobile · Like..Angeline Zolu niceYesterday at 10:04am · Like.. Write a comment... ...See More Recent Stories.Update Info · 9.Edit or RemoveAboutStudies at University of Liberia Past: Salvation Army William Booth Sec School .Lives in Monrovia, Liberia .From Paynesville, Liberia ..Edit or RemovePhotos · 6 .Edit or RemoveFriends · 598 Yamah Tokpa Lahainatu Sowa Moses Sepoh Mulbah Jackson Yome Titus Jessica M. Kanneh Angeline Zolu Hildah Mbozi Leeshan Fahnbulleh...Earlier in 2013.Show 2013 2012.Show 2012 2011.Show 2011 2010.Show 2010 Born.Show 2009..About Create Ad Create Page Developers Careers Privacy Cookies Terms Help Facebook © 2013 · English (US)PlacesMusicMoviesTV ShowsBooksLikesEventsGroupsNotes PlacesMusicMoviesTV ShowsBooksLikesEventsGroupsNotes PublicLoading.....Remove Chat from Desktop...Chat SoundsAdvanced Settings...Turn On ChatTurn Off ChatChat SoundsAdvanced Settings...Turn On ChatTurn Off Chat Dummy
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:23:20 +0000

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