My dear friends tonight we are going to bé doing things a bit - TopicsExpress


My dear friends tonight we are going to bé doing things a bit differently. The idea is to gain sawaab for ourselves. I want to highlight a very serious topic & that is none other than salaah. An incident got me thinking today which related to someone who was calculating fidya for missed salaah for a deceased family member of theirs in order to make it easy in the kabr. While the idea is not to expose the deceased shortcomings, its to merely cite it as an example for what Im about to say. The calculation reached a shocking million rand plus @ a rate of R15 a salaah. They then obtained a fatwa and used a rupee rate from India & it came down to about R5 a salaah based on 6 salaahs a day as Witr is considered separate, going back to the time the person became baaligh & obviously estimating what they felt the number of salaahs the deceased had missed. The point Im trying to make is why do we have to get to such a situation. Would we want to saddle our familys one day with such a burden if it is stated in the will, when we can act now & ensure that we perform everything ourselves. Do you know how many people take this situation seriously, & mostly when they reach their golden years? Many calculate the number of salaahs they had missed from the time they became baaligh & hand in hand with their normal 5 times a day obligations, read what is called Qaza e Umri to make up for the missed salaah. I am not perfect & none of you will profess to bé, but when are we going to take this topic seriously, perhaps when its too late. If we are upto date, then well & good. I know of a man who was on the operating table for heart surgery & in the days leading up to his op had missed a few salaahs. He managed to make up for it & told the surgeon proudly Im upto date with my namaaz. He passed away. Will we have such an opportunity? We might not. So may I give everyone a simple formula for the purposes of sawaab. Firstly, try & calculate how many you think youve missed in life & write it down. Then as you read your daily salaah, back each one up with a second being the Qaza e Umri & work toward catching up with your missed salaah. If you can read more, then better for you. We all know that Allah Taala is oft-forgiving but we are still answerable for many things including missed salaahs. We need to work on what our hisaab kitaab will one day look like. May Allah Taala firstly grant me the guidance to act on what Ive said here & to all of you my friends so that it can benefit us in the Aakhirah. آمين. Recite istighfaar & durood abundantly tonight. Shukran & Jumuah Mubarak.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:42:32 +0000

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