My dear sisters and brothers-in-Christ, With regards to the - TopicsExpress


My dear sisters and brothers-in-Christ, With regards to the response by Mr Wijeysingha to His Graces letter on the subject of LGBTs and the position of the Church, I think that it would be best we not retort (through so-called open letters or comments or responses of any kind), but instead, pray for Mr Wijeysingha, the Church, and our society in general. When Christ was accused by the monkey courts, He did not defend Himself nor allowed His disciples to. Such acts, be they justified/rational or not, will not be able to persuade opposing camps (since they may have their own perspectives, experiences, or agendas unbeknownst to others). Rather, they will only lead to further division which fundamentally goes against Gods universal love that that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. (Jn 17:21 NIV) True, we, in our human tendencies will always have an axe to grind or a bone to pick with someone. In fact, in the context of our faith, I am extremely heartened to see so many doing this out of passion and love for who we are. But, I appeal to you, sisters and brothers, to channel that passion and energy towards prayer, charity, and love for your neighbours (especially those who are neglected and live outside the limelight of media sensationalism). After all, did not the hymn go, Yes theyll know that we are Christians by OUR LOVE (and not by our words of defence, justification, etc.).? Social media provides an extremely tempting avenue to express ourselves (my post here is also guilty of this, certainly), but the challenge is upon us, as disciples of Christ, to promote love through this mechanism. To reiterate, it is better that we turn swords into ploughshares by: 1) praying for the parties I mentioned, and 2) leaving it to the good and capable hands of our archdiocesan authorities to handle such matters. It is for a reason that they do not reply to each and every affront on the Church. Finally let us always approach God with nothing more than a contrite heart, remembering the tax collectors example, God, have mercy on me, a sinner. (Lk 18:13 NIV) God Bless, Andrew Ee
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:01:16 +0000

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