My dear sons and daughters, don’t waste your time responding to - TopicsExpress


My dear sons and daughters, don’t waste your time responding to stubborn issue-oriented people who love their measurable standards more than they love the beauty of Jesus and the cross-work He’s already accomplished. Dont expend your emotion by responding to people’s pet issues that lack a proper theological basis in the first place. Dont respond to every idiotic thing you see posted or shared on a social media platform. Choose your battles carefully. Don’t mirror the foolishness of the externalist. Don’t be vocal on inessentials. Don’t spend too much time exposing the hypocrisy of the legalist. Focus on whats important. There are too many hurting, overlooked, underprivileged, and needy people in the world who need to see Christ through you. This alone will demand all of your time and affection. Don’t spend your efforts trying to help those who think they are healthy realize their need for the Physician. Do not waste your life trying to convince those who think they are rich and have prospered and need nothing that their spiritual nakedness is not fashionable, or that their seeming wealth is to be pitied, or that their need for nothing actually reveals their greatest need (Revelation 3:17). My children, I am sorry you have been on the receiving end of gossip, hate, slander, and contention all in the name of Religion. Do not become jaded or cynical thinking that in some way these people represent our loving Lord Jesus. Do not be distracted by the endless discussions concerning suits and ties, music, and excellence in church programs. It’s not that these things don’t matter, it’s just that they don’t matter as much as the “weightier matters” that Jesus taught. I realize these people can look pretty on the outside but cut deeply with their unkind words and false comparisons. Avoid people who find their righteousness only in that which is measurable and who consistently evidence bitterness and unloving attitudes. Do not follow those who become giddy and rally to decorum and external signifiers but who bristle when confronted with the darkness of their own lust, anger, and history of shipwrecked relationships. Apply Scriptural principles to your clothing, music, and entertainments, but don’t be crushed when others try to intimidate you with their own list of man-made laws in an attempt to control you. Dont respond to them with the same evil spirit with which they have lashed out at you. You have done well in identifying the ridiculous amount of passion with which some people cling to issues while at the same time failing to repent of their pride, domineering spirit, and judgmentalism. Show them grace and example the Lord you follow. “It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master” (Matthew 10:25).
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 00:52:42 +0000

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