My dearest friend back home in the United States stood up today in - TopicsExpress


My dearest friend back home in the United States stood up today in Santa Fe, New Mexico in support of the Palestinians. Carmen did so even at the risk of being hurt or jailed. She is the new voice of America and she is a Palestinian lioness at heart. I am so grateful and proud to be her friend. Today’s action at Tom Udall’s grand opening of his new office in Santa Fe with his guest Al Franken, was met with those wishing to voice their dissent. Many protested the US senate support of the Israeli massacre of Gaza outside of the event while some went inside. Darryl Lorenzo Wellington reports that he was not allowed entrance into the event because he stated that he was part of the protest even though he was not attempting to bring in signs or paraphernalia of any kind. Before the arrival of the senators, people in the audience were invited to “respectfully” share their thoughts on issues. Jeff Haas read the press release he wrote for the demo and was met with jeers and loud comments from many in the audience (of Democrats, you know, the liberal kind). A young man named Daniel (whose last name I do not know) shared his support of Gaza in a soft-spoken manner only to be met with the same disrespectful ignorance from many in attendance. When Daniel sat back down beside me a man from security and another man came over and asked him to leave. We argued that they invited people up, Daniel was respectful, but many in the audience were not and they should be asked to leave. They allowed him to stay. Shortly after Udall and Franken arrived Carmen Stone stood on her seat to confront the senators unwavering support of the war crimes committed by Israel. She was immediately and aggressively removed from the room. One security person in particular held her roughly as he forcefully pushed her off the property.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 10:27:57 +0000

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