My debut with Dr. Himadri Sekhar Roy The book primarily aims at - TopicsExpress


My debut with Dr. Himadri Sekhar Roy The book primarily aims at serving as a study aid for the MA students of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. But I am optimistic in that other students (Public, Private and National universities) and even the teachers will also get help from this book as the contents of the book are basic and common. Table of Contents of the book Chapter One: Curriculum 1. Introduction 2. Curriculum: Definition 3. Purposes of the Curriculum 4. Characteristics of a Good Curriculum 5. Different Types of Curriculum 6. Different Steps of Curriculum Design Chapter Two: Syllabus 1. Syllabus: Definition 2. Purposes of a Syllabus 3. Features of a Good Syllabuses 4. Different Types of Syllabus 5. An Overview of Syllabuses in ELT Chapter Three: Curriculum and Syllabus 1. Curriculum versus Syllabus 2. Difference between Syllabus and Curriculum 3. Relationship between Syllabus and Curriculum Chapter Four: Needs Analysis 1. Introduction 2. Background and Definition 3. Importance of Needs Analysis 4. Needs Analysis and Syllabus Design 5. Designing Needs Analysis 6. A Sample Need Analysis Survey Form Chapter Five: Different Models of Syllabuses 1. Introduction 2. Taba’s Curriculum Model 3. Nunan’s Model 4. Choosing and Integrating Syllabi 5. Syllabus Design and Evaluation 6. Practical Guidelines to Syllabus Choice and Design Chapter Six: Barriers of Designing Syllabus in Bangladesh 1. Introduction 2. Barriers 3. Conclusion Chapter Seven: Principles of Material Design 1. What is material? 2. The Relationship between Syllabus and Materials 3. Role of Materials in Syllabus Design 4. Principles/Factors to Consider When Designing Materials 5. Steps of Material Design 6. Conclusion Chapter Eight: Role of Teachers and Stakeholders in Designing a Syllabus Chapter Nine: Role of Teachers in Curriculum Design and Implementation 1. Introduction 2. Teachers’ Role 3. Conclusion Chapter Ten: Roles of Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation References
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 09:56:25 +0000

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