My deepest condolences and prayers go to the family and - TopicsExpress


My deepest condolences and prayers go to the family and Ministry/Church members of the Dr. Myles Munroe, as well as to the Nation, Government and People of the Bahamas, and indeed the entire Christian Community worldwide as well as patrons of this unique Kingdom STATESMAN, on the sudden home going, yet tragic and fatal air disaster (of Dr. Myles Munroe, his Wife, Daughter, Associate Pastor and others in the Bahamas! ANY LESSON FOR ME AS A FELLOW LABORER IN THE LORDS VINEYARD, A PREACHER AND HIS KINGDOM ENVOY TO my most loving Mission field, THE BAHAMAS? CERTAINLY YES! And that is: The Spirit of Death DOESNT NEED A SECOND INVITATION TO COME TO US, particularly the likes of Dr. Munroe established by God in the FRONTLINE of our WRESTLING MATCH with our Arch-Enemy, the Devil - who came not, but to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY!! IF WE WILLFULLY & CARELESSLY INVITE him THROUGH OUR WORDS, SPEECHES AND or BODY LANGUAGE, at that instnce, it would not matter whether we are the Clergy or Laity; Chosen or Called Anointed or Annoyed Inspirational or Confrontational, Prolific Writer or a Proficient Reader! This would not make any difference, if we speak a single Word or just a Phrase that Jesus calls IDLE or CARELESS WORDS (or whether we make joking, unintentional or kidding statements! Did the World Renowned Pastor, Author, Inspirational Preacher and Business Coach really make these statements on a Television Show in Kenya, TWO WEEKS prior to this (so far) unexplained cause and circumstances leading to the tragic accident and subsequent explosion on impact of his private jet with a Crane at the Grand Bahamas Airport? Did he really sincerely tell his Kenyan Viewers (AND HIMSELF) to: ... GO TO THE CEMETERY AND DISAPPOINT THE GRAVEYARD ... DONT DIE OLD, DIE YOUNG ... THAT IS WHY I WANNA DIE ... I WANNA DIE BECAUSE THERES NOTHING ELSE TO KEEP ME ALIVE ... [Nothing else to KEEP him ALIVE?] IVE DONE WHAT I WAS BORN TO DO ...! Is my attempt here designed to embarrass, frustrate and add more insults to injury to, especially the berieved family of this highly respected Man of God? GOD FORBID! Not at all! As said from the beginning, this is a LESSON FIRST to myself as far as the application of Gods Pure Word is concerned, and then to help every other believer when it comes to the proper use or misuse of our casual or every day of language that Jesus calls an idle Word (or what we may call today careless, joking or kiding (words) that have Disastrous, Blessing, Curse, Life-giving or Death-bringing consequences!! Are you Ready to learn, like I did, learning my lesson DIRECTLY FROM JESUS/FROM HIS WORD, in all this disastrous situation - painful and regrettable as it may be? But I say to you that for EVERY IDLE WORD men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment. For by YOUR WORDS you WILL BE JUSTIFIED and by YOUR WORDS you WILL be Condemned (Matthew 12:36-37). A mans (or mankind) stomach shall be Satisfied from the FRUIT OF HIS MOUTH; From the produce of his LIPS he (mankind) Shall be FILLED. DEATH and LIFE are in the POWER OF THE TONGUE, And those who Love it WILL eat its FRUIT (whether its Life or Death, depending on my Choice) (Proverbs 18:20-21)!!! PLEASE, NEITHER STOP READING NOR WATCHING, and yet prayerfully too - even as you express your deepest condolences and sympathy to Heaven Ultimate Graduate, Dr. Myles Munroe, family and Ministry Staff!! Thanks & BLESSINGS Watch Dr. Myles Munroe speaks about death two weeks bef… on YouTube - Dr. Myles Munroe speaks about death two weeks bef…:
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:52:12 +0000

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