My discourse-79 Difference between concentration and - TopicsExpress


My discourse-79 Difference between concentration and meditation Concentration is a limited and focused thinking on a single object but meditation is natural way of relaxation into this moment. Concentration need two things you and a object it means it is dual in nature but meditation need nothing means you have to bring awareness of a breathe on anything wherever you are, you can meditate on flower or you can meditate on moon. Concentration is just full of distraction because it is full of thoughts with labeling or judgment of thoughts just for an example when I do concentration I can be thinking about my kids, father or mother or work because many thoughts are coming and we are judging them whereas as meditation is thoughtlessness awareness means it is just witnessing or watchfulness or observation of thoughts. It means if we are getting thoughts of kids or father or mother we are just witnessing or observing them is meditation. Concentration always takes you into the past or future but meditation put you in present moment. Meditation means Relaxation. You allow yourself to fall into a state where you are not doing anything, because if you are doing something, tension and force will continue. It is a state of non-doing simply relaxes and you enjoy the feeling of relaxation, just close your eyes, and listen to all that is happening all around. You can experience taste, smell and flavor around you. Concentration creates tiredness and you feel exhausted because you are forcing your self and it consumes too much energy, which create tension at the end. Meditation is a state of relaxation. Conclusion, logic and conditioning are the by product of concentration but In meditation there is no conclusion or logic applied at all because it is sitting silently and doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Concentration is based on doing, controlling and manipulating. But when you observe and watchful of your thoughts then it is not doing, because you are putting whole energy on watching. It is just like sitting on the top of mountain and observes everything on the ground, whatsoever activity is taking place. You are just an observer not a doer!! Concentration is staying at one point. It is thinking. The whole energy, the whole movement stops, sticks to one point. Yoga is concerned with concentration but not meditation, mind cannot understand meditation. In concentration, mind is very busy with logic, reasoning and decision making skills because it is thinking continuously but in meditation it is dissolved into no mind where there is only awareness. If you go on decreasing your process and activity of thinking pattern finally it convert into no mind or non thinking which happens in meditation. The more mind the more you think which is not good because it is part of concentration practice with too much thinking that can help you to committing suicide or kill someone else without any reason because you are enhancing the activity and process of thinking. The proper meaning of no mind is an empty space as if you have you have removed some furniture from your room – then some space is created there. Then you remove more furniture, and more space is created there. When you have removed all the furniture, the whole room becomes empty space. This space was already there but we filled this room with too many furniture, TV refrigerator etc. to occupy the space. Same things happen with our brain or mind it is full of useless and unproductive thoughts the more we thoughts have the less space. If we remove little thoughts then little space is created but when we remove all thoughts then again empty space is created and this emptiness is meditation and fullness of thoughts is concentration.-Sanjeev https://facebook/MindfulnessPractitioner?ref=hl Can you visit and like this page if you are interested?
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:58:34 +0000

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