My dream as a Mayan Priest/Shaman at Chichen Itza, Mexico - TopicsExpress


My dream as a Mayan Priest/Shaman at Chichen Itza, Mexico (12/23/12) -In the dream, I knew it was before the last major indigenous group took over, following the Mayans, which would likely be the Toltecs of central Mexico. I was in ceremonial dress of what I impressed me to be a Mayan Priest, and I acted out something like a story or lesson as I spoke loudly to a crowd of people. I was standing on top of a wall or structure that was near a major walking area so many could hear me. It seemed that the Mayan influence had reached a peak and was waning at this time, and was also being influenced but not controlled, by another culture in a coexistent manner. The words, “Wat Ke Nab” or “watkenab” were significant to me as I awoke from the dream, so perhaps that was a message or about the events of this life. The Mayan Polol Vuh was the main teaching/theme that I woke up wanting to recall as significant to this place & time. -The Popol Vuh is the creation story of the Mayan civilization. One part of this story/legend recounts the first attempts of the creator, Heart of Sky to make humans. The story goes on to explain that the final attempt that resulted in the True people was accomplished by constructing people with maize. This is a very reasonable explanation since, in essence, it was the cultivation of maize that gave the early Maya culture the means to change from hunters gatherers to their highly advanced civilization. This references the words spoken or message about a dream I recall from 12/23/12 about being a Mayan Priest in Chichen Itza as the Mayan culture there is prevalent but waning and another is becoming more influential but not yet dominant. The Toltecs are considered the successors of Chicken Itza following the Mayans. I am telling a crowd of people something as I act out a story or ritual. The words I remembered as I awoke sounded like: Wat Ke Nab (nob, nap) or watkenab or watkenob. (sp?) -Perhaps it could have meant something like… come or return to own/possess/keep and then forgetting it. This could pertain to knowledge or memories that are now lost or forgotten. WAT wat, watar come, come back, return home, come to fruition, happen, occur [cl.4] nen waten I come watenix I came hax watar jax watar he comes watet, watox [sing & plu. imp.] come! watet irah come here! watet koner come now! KE or KET ket possession, ownership, keeping ta m ket in my possession tuu ket in his possession kete keep around, possess, hold onto [cl.1] NAB or NAP nahp forgetfulness, a forgetting
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:47:27 +0000

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