My dream last night: A friend (lets call him Jim), with whom I - TopicsExpress


My dream last night: A friend (lets call him Jim), with whom I havent had contact in years, I found out was socially inaccessible because he was secretly working on a project with Tom Cruise. Jim made me swear to secrecy, saying that Tom had agents everywhere who would hunt me down if I said anything - it was *that* important. Jim claimed that he was putting himself and his *cough* two girlfriends in danger by saying anything...but I had forced it out of him. Now the cat was out of the bag, and I had to watch my back. I was overwrought with guilt from trying to force anything out of Jim, and wished that confrontation had never happened...but now I somehow found myself on the set of Tom Cruises film. Though he looked a little busy, I introduced myself to Tom; for some reason I felt like Id already made his acquaintance, so I said remember me? (he didnt). He looked a little taken aback and annoyed after I mentioned that I was the editor-in-chief of a press source (oh bad). I knew I had to escape. As I left, it felt like I was being followed. I tried to re-direct my path but it was inevitable: the man behind me was hard on my tail. Finally I turned around and confronted the man as he pulled an Uzi - which I wrestled out of his arms. I shot the man while he was on the ground. He got up (bulletproof vest?). We had a brief martial arts fight (thank God I remember all that Taekwondo from high school), and I brought him to his knees, after which I shot him in the back of the head with the Uzi. (SELF-DEFENSE, your honor!) I ran ahead, and somehow found myself back on the set of the film, and saw the man whom I had shot, sitting on a bench. I approached him and asked were those blanks in that gun? He replied, Nope. Then how the hell...? He pointed to his head, Mental fortitude. So dream about Tom Cruise was pretty much like a Tom Cruise film.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 16:53:18 +0000

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