My efforts to grow realcap level milsim in airsoft... Problems - TopicsExpress


My efforts to grow realcap level milsim in airsoft... Problems I have observed: -Lack of equal uniform distribution. WAY too many TAN vs GREEN players. (Solution offered below) -Lack of attention span in players. Seriously. 20 minutes and you dont see contact -- dont come back to the staging zone. Youre killing the game. Milsim doesnt guarantee contact on every trip out. (Solution offered below) -Venue issues, minor issues, but issues. Getting the amount of real estate desired, time frames desired, schedules desired, etc. There are some simple obstacles with simple solutions. Ill explain below. SOLUTIONS/SUGGESTIONS from my point of view. Im open to additional discussion and suggestions, please post below. -Uniform issue SOLUTION: Every player must bring a set of civilian clothes to play in, regardless of desired faction. Teams will be evened out as necessary to promote a fun, safe, and viable game. Help me help you get what you pay for. This means if you show up, you and your team might end up in civilian clothes for the sake of the game. This is a growing pain that we will eventually not need to suffer, but for now, well just have to grin and bear. -Lack of Attention Span Im torn here. My initial reaction is to tool games down to simpler formats and get people shooting each other to grow the concept of using limited ammo and the other restrictions. Remove the boring fat and get down to pure battle for the sake of growth. However, theres a chance that the real milsim part of it might not take root. Despite that threat, i feel like this may be our best opportunity to grow to a sizeable group. The combat portion will get people up to speed where it counts while introducing the harrowing adrenaline factor that makes ~30rounds per mag so exciting. Plus, people will probably stay on mission better. -Venue Issues. The only thing we can do to make venues take us seriously is SHOW UP. Ive talked to lots of players about new ideas and what i gather from them is that they are interested but are waiting til it gets bigger or waiting to see how it goes ... if all of you are waiting, not enough of you are playing, and it will never take off. Thats it. I know a lot of people seem to take offense to the idea that fields actually have to turn a profit to make this hobby viable, but if you want to see quality hosted games, it has to be a functioning business. If you have land and are willing to put up the time, money, and EFFORT it takes to put on games for free, more power to you. I have to convince the fields (our biggest stock holders) that theres enough money to dedicate the land at appropriate times. Currently after hours is working but as soon as the time changes, its going to get dark fast -- and i dont want to only do night games. Also, paintball prime season is going to hit at FOTR and DFWAP, so producing there will become a schedule game again. If you have a line on milsim-friendly venues that will operate on 40 player crowds and is feasible to advertise -- let me know. What have you guys got to say about RealSim in North Texas?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 03:10:17 +0000

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