My email to our new Mayor and City Council of the City of St. - TopicsExpress


My email to our new Mayor and City Council of the City of St. George, Greetings public servants, I mean super heros!!! hehehe (-; Jon and Dan, you both are great. I did not vote because I like both of you equally and to be honest it was a very eventful day and simply slipped my mind. I would have wrote in myself for the mayoral position anyway. Plus, it does not really matter who is in the position of leadership, their number 1 priority is to do what is in the best interests of all the citizens no matter who and what they believe or do. Dan, When I first moved to Saint George in 1993 and then returned in 2005. I must say that your leadership has improved leaps and bounds during your administration since 1993. Jon, It has come to my attention that The Saint George utilities appears to be operating in a manner that seems to be in bad taste and may even get a lot of people upset in the future. As you may know my company is intimately involved with a myriad of other businesses. One business in particular converted their facility with green friendly energy efficient applications. Their electric bill went down approximately 70%, then the utility placed the business in a different billing category and now they pay more in electric expenses. This seems devious, counter productive and outright dishonest and unprofessional. this has the potential to be one of the greatest thorns in Saint Georges side in the upcoming years, especially when every one is mandated to upgrade by federal agencies. Informative people know this is coming and are preparing. I highly suggest you get on top of this issue and rectify this behavior. Progress always wins and it is a futile endeavor to fight progress because when you do, you lose public support, every time. The behavioral pattern of not supporting progressive actions are littered throughout history for as long as we have recorded back to the days of 3000 B.C. For example: The Railroad companies, through their arrogance, a long history of government subsidy, failed to recognize their businesses objective when freeways were created with the New Deal and trucking commodities in semis became a cheaper more efficient way of transporting goods. Railroad companies ignored this progressive movement because they forgot their true objective, they are not in the rail road business per say, they are actually in the transportation and delivery business. By fighting progress they ultimate failed almost to non-existence. Had they understood truly their ultimate function, they would have embraced the transportation and delivery business by creating their own airplanes, trucking companies, etc. Council members, I look forward to a prosperous and abundant 2014 for our community and the world. I truly believe in my heart that Saint George is positioned to be a strong example to other cities by forging ahead with technological, cooperative and dignity by raising the bar so to speak and implement pragmatic, logical, forward thinking endeavors. It is clearly evident that the status quo and business as usual mentality is NOT working and will not work in the future due to the demographic population moving into retirement, businesses financial models, lack of willingness to be transparent with our operations and/or beliefs,etc., etc., just to name a few. If we can work together in our community by forging bonds of inclusion and cooperation between people and/or organizations as opposed to competing against each other, our businesses, organizations, society, etc, all us will reap the rewards of success beyond imagination. Working together we are strong and prosperity, abundance and success is our only option! Thank you kindly. Respectfully, HM. HM Jared Lee Mease The Sumner Mease Foundation sYx Industries
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 14:30:08 +0000

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