My entire life I looked up to the men and women of American law - TopicsExpress


My entire life I looked up to the men and women of American law enforcement. I appreciated the way that they made sure citizens were safe and went about it with tact. I had one of Jacksons finest officers to look up to, as my grandmother is a retired JPD officer. Then, Im quite certain that the calibre of officers was of a much higher quality than what is present. Now, i have a totally opposite view of law enforcement (which i wont go into detail about here) per a recent personal encounter that influenced my decision. You spend your entire life making yourself known for being a decent citizen and in just a matter of seconds, some scum thats lower than dirt w a high ranking can snatch that away from you. I refuse to be dehumanized and harassed by the crooked law system of America and the bullies that they put out on the street to protect and serve. Its even more sad when the bullies are your own. They will go out of their way to ensure that they look like the big bad wolf (who w/o the gun, is truly a coward) and intimidate you because they have the larger weapon.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:08:56 +0000

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