My experience with the healing last night: First I had my things - TopicsExpress


My experience with the healing last night: First I had my things I was gonna bless for my house-gallon water jug, wallet, bath salts, body wash. Then my son played the drums while I saged the whole house and then the items, them your items, then ourselves. I did the prosperity blessing and called on the grandfather and grandmother spirits of north, south, east, ad west........... My husband picked out the crystals for the healing Tiger Iron and Quartz, and I started my journeying music. I will post a link. Vision: I was in the middle of the fire (with the eagle head and healing get up) I was in the fire getting grounded and creating a protective shield for everyone. Everyone started walking and circling around the fire. Then I started to walk around to sage everyone off, and at the same time a golden star rose from the fire and entered the first person at the top of their head down their feet and back up out their hand, which was holding anohter persons hand. THe process continued to everyone. During this time I am dancing around you along with Thunder spirits who are playiing the drums and dancing all around. It was really fun. Then crystals came up from the Mohter earth and everyone laid on top of them for anohter healing and the trees sent grounding energy to all of you. when that was finished, a water fall appeared and one by one, you entered the water fall for the last cleansing. Once that was done everyone joined around the fire and danced all night long. (I felt like this message was for the healing) Then I woke up at 444. I looked up the meaning at it said Number 4 is also the number that represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four sacred directions, North, South, East and West. With three 4’s appearing, the influences and energies of the number 4 are magnified and enhanced. Angel Number 444 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment. The repeating Angel Number 444 is a message that ‘all is well’. Trust that you are on your correct life path and are doing a great job. The angels and Archangels are available for help and guidance - all you need to do is ask. I also had a dream of a jaguar and armadillo Jaguar symbolism conveys the power of intent which is what I keep saying. Drinking your water, place the intent on what you desire. Or the intent of affirmations. Jaguar also symbolizes power, confidence, focus, preparation, visualization, manifestation, in tune with the earth. Armadillos medicine includes - understanding your personal boundaries, respecting the boundaries of others, carrying your protection with you at all times, understanding your vulnerabilities, empathy, discrimination, medicine shield safety, being grounded.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:27:36 +0000

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