My eyes were fixed on the dark steps of the stairs that led to the - TopicsExpress


My eyes were fixed on the dark steps of the stairs that led to the cell block . This one time I hesitated longer before I decided to make the long descent into the darkness , as usually . Slowly, very slowly , as if my legs would the situation that would follow spare me I climbed down the stairs until I reached the bottom. Though I wore the warming winter dress of the staff at my body I could feel the cold air that suddenly danced on my skin and left a shiver . I took a deep breath and began running down the corridor . Now I was already here, now I would not run away again . Left and right of me were the cells that were sealed with a magical, yellowish wall so that not even the most powerful and crafty magician of the nine worlds could slip through it . Which was quite useful in this case . The prisoners , consisting of monsters and the like , already asleep , which was not surprising , it was already in the middle of the night. Even the gods were already asleep . This was the only time of the day , as I was able to come here . Visit him. To see if he was all right , let alone whether he was still alive . In particular, today I was queasy something terrible had happened to mute because . Frigga , wife of Odin and queen of Asgard was killed in a battle with the Dark Elves . Not only that, all Asgard mourned for them , no, I knew that she was like a mother to him. She was still the only person who had had rudimentary understanding with him , although his actions were worthy of death. What would I find ? Slowly but surely I came to his cell. And there he stood. Directed her back to me , he stared at the wall , his black - green leather coat covered most of his body , his hands folded in his back. His black hair was slicked back as usual , and lay in his neck and touched with their length even his shoulders . He did not move. Maybe I should just go back , now I knew that he was fine . Ive been expecting you, Did he recognize his soft , cold voice that he had noticed me very well . As it was applied to a servant of Asgard I did not say a word until you did not ask me. Although Asgard Loki has been withdrawn from his title for a long time , I still harbored a healthy degree of respect to him. Maybe I was the only one who it was. Even after all these years you come despite the past always did to me Now he turned around yet . I knew what he looked like , but to me an icy cold shiver ran down his back again and again , when his cold , piercing green eyes examined from this pale face . At that time his gaze was still warm with respect to , but now I could see nothing more in it but deep-seated hatred and amusement. I swallowed hard and then lowered my eyes . He seemed to behave as usual , well, since he was imprisoned . He knew not about the death of Frigga ? And if they did, how could he act so cold ? It touched him not even a little ? Why are you here ? I said nothing. Speak, girl , he asked me something louder. After a short while, I lifted my head again , I wanted to see if you are well ... after what happened on this day, my primary Loki Umwob an amused smirk on his lips. After what happened today , he asked. I knew that he loved above all to drive me into a corner. I speak from death Frigga I blurted out . Changed almost nothing in his features . But I could see that his smile seemed wrong now . While there was a tense silence . Its not your thing to spy on me , Emma! Whenever he spoke to me with my name , I knew that he meant it seriously. But I could feel against my respect towards him aufkochte a rage in me. How could it be that this man, this God whom I had served so long and I had so long given my confidence had become so cold? To hide my rage I pursed my lips , which did not go unnoticed by Loki . Say what you have to say , girl! The only thing I did was herrausfordernd to stare him in the eye. His eyes grew darker and colder. If all that has been, then I urge you to go ! Even if its a cell here, so I can not ask for a little rest , especially at night . How can you be so heartless ? , I whispered in disbelief . His eyes narrowed , In your place I would go , Emma How can it be that you are so COLD ? That there do not care what you have done to the earth? What you have done to your family ? How can it be that you are so ignorant to understand how much pain you have used ? How much chaos? I took a deep breath , now I was unstoppable , all those weeks where I had visited him , all the rage bubbling up. But the worst thing is that you of the death of the woman who raised you, who has taught you everything that has loved you even then , as you have seen you only as a monster , just be so cold? That it does not bother you. Thats cruel ... SCHWEIG STILL ! He yelled at me hatefully . This sudden reaction was so frightening that I flinched and stumbled back a step . And then the scene broke in front of me in the cell. All the furniture was neatly placed now destroyed and dispersed all over the room . Overturned the bed, the cell walls bloody and dirty. And leaning in all the chaos , on the side of the wall I saw Loki . Not about how I had just seen him . No . The sight was disturbing. Instead of his decent coat he wore a simple brown pants and a torn green shirt . The boots were gone , instead, he was barefoot and left bleeding profusely . He had to have something bruise from the room. But his face was the worst sight I had seen in all the years . His silky black hair was disheveled and unkempt hanging in his face, his skin , which had always had a natural pallor was now almost white as snow and his eyes reddened . He must have been crying. His eyes , which stuck to me was full of anger, rage and despair. Shocked, I took a step to the Versieglung . Loki ... You think that would not worry me all this? He hissed hatefully . Loki , I did not know ... I wanted to defend myself , but he interrupted me again. By Odin, I expected that he sees me as a monster . Thor as well . But I hoped that you , after all I ve done for you otherwise judge about me! Loki ... SHUT PEOPLE ! He rose menacingly , his body trembling , his eyes full of hatred directed at me . So you think you knew what is going on inside me? You are of the view , you would know how I feel ? FRIGGA ME YOU THINK WOULD NOT MIND ? Ashamed, I looked down. I felt terrible. With a loud hiss Loki pounded his fist against the magical barricade , which made me wince . WATCH ME WHEN IM WITH YOU SPEECH ! Shocked, I saw the body of his skin , with whom he had beaten against the magical wall was burned , but it did not seem to bother him in the least . His eyes literally buried themselves in the mine. You have not the faintest idea what I had to endure everything. You have no idea who I am and what is going on inside of me So do not you dare to judge me yes , as the hollow heads, nor of what I once called family are left ! His body was trembling more while he took another step closer to me. I quickly took a step back . When he realized this , he smirked and laughed softly. With its current external state, it looked even scarier than before already . You fear me. Then you have never been afraid . Slowly he ran his uninjured hand through his hair and stroked at the same time something back so that he regained some of his normal appearance . Then he laid his eyes on me. You do well to be afraid of me , Emma . You know ... He smirked sarcastically and spread his arms ... I m a monster ! He laughed again before he sat down against the wall and looked at his injured hand . I could not say anything . My heart was pounding so fast as never before. Loki had scared me and yes, I was afraid of him. He was no longer the man I had once known . He had truly changed . But perhaps it was not entirely his own fault. I watched as he closed his tired eyes and leaned his head with his tousled black hair against the wall behind him. Youd better go now , my dear Emma , he said softly , without opening his eyes. Im sure that Odin would find no pleasure in it , if he should learn that one of his servants rather spend their time so pay me nightly visits Irritated, I lowered my head. He was right. And what I should be here ? I would , perhaps risking my freedom even my life for him ? Slowly I turned around and was about to go down the corridor , as he added softly: I m waiting for you For a while I hesitated. Should I say something? Should I apologize ? Without another word, I went to the stairs and disappeared quickly before anyone could see me . **** That same night Loki was freed by a betrayal of Thor in Odin . And right on the subsequent day I learned of Lokis death. I stood in the throne room and heard Odin chance to talk about how they had Lokis body was found . It was as if Thor had beaten me in my chest with his hammer . I had previously talked the night with him . And now he was gone. I would never see him again, would never talk to him again . For although what did he had committed , although it zulasst which debt was paid , was for me and he was the God to whom I gave my trust . Without Odins command to wait I turned around and left the room with a heavy heart . What I did not notice was the guard who followed me discreetly . And when no one was looking his eyes flashed briefly treacherous green.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:34:42 +0000

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