My facebook friend John Turachak says it well.... For the black - TopicsExpress


My facebook friend John Turachak says it well.... For the black community and the nation as a whole, the “dream” died with the death of Dr. Martin Luther King and was supplanted by the derision & division now propagated by so-called black leaders like the race-baiting, poverty pimps & charlatans who have hijacked MLKs dream to further their own illicit ideologies & agendas and for their own personal gain in the name of and at the expense of the very people they claim to support. Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Charlie Rangel, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the Congressional Black Caucus, Black Communist Party, the deluded candidate for DHS Chief Sheila Jackson, and now you can add Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, Stevie Wonder, and Spike Lee-just to name a few- to the fray along with the newest addition to the ever-growing derision & division--white Liberal/socialists like Harry Reid who are now using race-baiting tactics in an attempt to exploit some sort of delusional white guilt by suggesting racism is the primary motivation behind peoples disapproval of Obamas policies, ideologies & agendas--just to name a few, with the help of such militant groups as the entire Congressional Black Caucus and the Black Panthers make up the majority influence among the aforementioned charlatans. This condition among the black community (as in evidence of the current racial tensions and reactions regarding the Trayvon Martin incident) is especially distressing considering there are so many more intelligent, responsible and successful black men & women which the black community can & should look up to--men such as Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West; Wayne Dupree; Arthur Davis, former U.S. Representative; Tim Scott, U.S. Senator, South Carolina; T.W. Shannon, Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives; and women such as Condoleeza Rice; Crystal Wright, editor and publisher; Mia Love, mayor of Saratoga Springs; Utah, Francesca Chambers, editor; Chelsi Henry, Outreach Chair, Young Republican National Federation--just to name a few. The irony here is that I am a white conservative, and I am sure--beyond a shadow of a doubt--that I am more aware of the ideologies & agendas and qualifications of more members of the black community on BOTH sides of the political spectrum than those voters of the same race, or any other race for that matter. I made a conscious decision, by virtue of my service to my country in the military & civilian service and by the way I was raised by my parents, to treat all people the way I would want to be treated and to educate and think for myself and not rely on others to do it for me or simply follow someones ideologies & agendas--either out of complacent ignorance or willful stupidity--simply because they seem to be or merely expect me to just believe them when they tell me they are legitimate, unfortunately like the average voter does nowadays--style over substance, audacity confused with genuine charisma & character, and ideologies & agendas that are in direct contrast to our Constitution, rule of law, and our very way of life in the support or defense of someone who—in evidence of their own words/actions--does not have the best interests of the people they profess to support or the best interests of this nation as a whole at heart.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:42:38 +0000

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