My facebook page ask me What is on my mind .... Well, I will tell - TopicsExpress


My facebook page ask me What is on my mind .... Well, I will tell you. Today is a day we should be thankful there is still a USA ! Our fathers, brothers,uncles, friends (men & women) served and many gave their lives for this place we call home. I feel like over the past few years the efforts many put forth to keep her (USA) safe and free has been violated by those who have never really been to war. They know not what is really at stake here. They are too busy squabbling over who has control, what stock is soaring and who they can get money from. Before anyone says I dont know what I am talking about I will say... It is a clear picture to see without being on the inside of any political party. Our world has suffered from our own mistakes. Each party and candidate has their own ideas motivated by their likes and dislikes. In order to get into office they wine & dine so to speak, everyone for their vote. All I am simply saying on this day is...... please respect our men who have served our country and really know why they were there. Asked anyone of them and they will tell you if they thought fighting was a mission of love or hate . They will say to you... It was for love of their country and freedom of all!. They will also tell you not one of the people they killed should have lost their life.They were only fighting for their country as well. Our countries should all have a respect for life! We are in the midst of people ( working people and missionaries) now loosing their lives just to prove a point for the radical groups as well as detaining people who are just traveling in other countries. This seems so wrong! America needs to be strong again! Our Veterans should not have fought in vain! One more thing... Today many businesses are providing a complimentary meal, entree, drink, ect. Thank you for doing this for service veterans that kept you free and safe, however; for those who gave less than a complete meal of their choice and restricted times, shame on you! Our soldiers didnt protect you just when they wanted to..... they protected you day/night, bad terrain,bad weather,cold water,bullets flying,fire burning, in places you would never think about! Oh yes.... and not to forget when they were injured severely and some died. You really need to reconsider your offer in the years to come!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 22:03:48 +0000

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