My family marked summers end this weekend with a variety of events - TopicsExpress


My family marked summers end this weekend with a variety of events that were great fun and easy on tight wallets too. Friday night, we visited Coney Island Boardwalk for their final firework show of the summer. Passing the torch of love for Coney Island from my parents to my youngest, #littleb. The boardwalk was packed! They had karaoke booths, DJs, sketch artists. The sights and sounds of the rides, children littered EVERYWHERE, and one could not count how many languages were spoken there. I stopped at English, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Obscenity. In the attached video, you could get a glimpse of the multicultural extravaganza they had there. Youll see small children dancing at screen right and right in the middle is an over 6ft. tall, 400+ lb. living tribute to Re-Run for those of you old enough to remember him. He kind of shuffles from side to side moving only his hands quickly. Saturday we spent at the beach at Long Branch and I finally got to KNOW what a rip-tide feels like. At one point, Little B and I were out about chest height in the water. She was more panicky than ever before to the point I was getting annoyed. Shes usually pretty good with Daddy guidance. We got struck by a breaking wave so hard that it blew her right out of my arms, winded and disoriented me and sapped all my strength in a single blow. I felt like God punched me. When I tried to recover, B was away from me and crying. I kept waving at her Go, go!! pointing her toward the beach. Go because I cant get to you. That was frightening. The rest of the time was fantastic. Sunday we did a photo shoot for a good friend and his lovely family. Very nice to catch up with old friends in the town I called home for nine years, South Amboy. When we arrived at St. Marys R.C. Church, I bumped into Father Dennis. Though Im not the most religious, nor the best at attending church, I was actually almost moved to emotion when I saw him. I was happy, but was washed with emotion at his kind presence and was sure to tell him so. And Sunday night we attended the End of Summer BBQ of yet another set of close friends. There we sat around a fire pit, guzzled beer, ate really great food and watched the kids prune their skin after hours in the pool. In summary, the best Labor Day Weekend I ever recall having. I pray God let me have several more.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:25:56 +0000

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