“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another - TopicsExpress


“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” Believing in our children and communicating that belief is an important gift. It nurtures each of the following necessary ingredients to success. A Confident Sense of Self. Your belief in your child gives them a strong identity. It gives them permission to be themselves. Insecurity will be pressed out because they will know their value and what they bring to the table. A confident sense of self enables your kids to have healthy relationships and stay cool under pressure. Belonging. Your belief in them reminds them where they came from and that they have a home base. It communicates that they are a good and legitimate part of your family’s story. A strong sense of belonging is like having an army by their side. Motivation. A father’s belief in his kids is like putting gasoline in their tank. All of their passion and enthusiasm is released. Your stamp of approval allows it. They will want to prove you right. Perseverance. Setbacks and difficulties are held in proper perspective. The enduring sentiment is that you have faith in them. Failure will be looked at as a temporary growing pain on the road to success. They are less likely to quit and more apt to see victory. Visualization. Your kids will follow your lead. If you can envision their success, then they will be able to see it. There will be no other reality in their mind than what they will achieve. Sound off: Who first believed in you and what effect did it have?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 16:16:23 +0000

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