My father is shayk ( its not a yardstick), my mother is Iya sunna - TopicsExpress


My father is shayk ( its not a yardstick), my mother is Iya sunna (and so), my family is well known for her islamic background (how authentic is what they practice), My Parents are Alhaji and Alhaja (doesnt matter), My dad is islamic cleric (hmmmm), I have been praying for over 25 years now (Good)... So listen to the word of God in Suratul ahzaab 33:21 Verily in the Messenger of Allah (SAW) you have a good example for him who looks unto Allah and the Last Day.... Not until we believe and show that Prophet Mohammed (SAW) sayings and actions are good, better and best than your forefather actions/ Sayings, U shall not see the true Islam (Leave ur father shortcomings), and follow islam strictly,Ur father shortcomings might have been forgiven by Allah (Innallah ghafurrul rahim). You are still alive to make changes, You said you love Rosuullah (SAW), but you practise what he desist you doing. Is that passion and love? Or are you challenging Allahs word in suratul Maidah (Quran 5:3) This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion Or are you insinuating that the islam brought by Prophet (SAW) is INCOMPLETE ? Once U see evidence on what Prophet (SAW) or his companions do or desist from, then as a good Muslim, You have no alternative than to follow it even if its very difficult for U to do, Allah will ease it for Us In Sha Allah As Salaam Alaekum wa Rahmotullaahi wa Barakaatuh
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 07:58:50 +0000

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