My father worked a union job once, welding together car frames for - TopicsExpress


My father worked a union job once, welding together car frames for GM at AOSmith. The job only lasted a few years, from 1975-1978, when downsizing started. I was born in 1977, and my parents were able to save enough from that one job to afford the down payment on a mortgage, and bought the house I currently live in, now- right down the Capitol Drive bus line from AOSmith. (AOSmith lost thousands of employees in the 80s. It closed about a decade ago, and the only thing there are the Talgo trains Scott Walker reneged on- Talgo is suing the State of WI). For the rest of his life, my father never found another manual unskilled labor union job in Milwaukee at his age, and worked as a pest control officer- a bug exterminator- as his second best job till his death. Last night hanging out with old friends at the bar, I remarked how I do live in the same house, and I do work a similar union manual labor job as the best job my father ever had, and I *cant* afford a better lifestyle than him, and that my anecdote seems representative of the American middle-class having actually *lost* earning power the last 40 years.... I was told in response that I have a victim mentality and entitlement mentality. I was also told that if you are not a naturalized American citizen, you have no human rights to life, or food or water- only the right to die at the hands of US bombs. -also, if I, personally, did not serve in the armed forces- even as an American-born citizen - I still have not earned the right to stay alive, to be given food or water, and my death at the hands of the state would also be justified, since I have not earned these human rights.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 06:28:37 +0000

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