My favorite song and video by him. No stupid duck costumes. No 70s - TopicsExpress


My favorite song and video by him. No stupid duck costumes. No 70s schlock. No Eminem endorsement. Just pure passion, electricity, with fusions of rock guitars with dark classical strings in black and white video in dark suit filled with tons of secret symbolism I so know, love, and use in my own artwork and music lyrics. BTW, the colour grey symbolizes STRAIGHT PRIDE. Oooooops. ;) I Love Elton though. He is an awesome creative human being and his voice is powerful. I love the mention of Father and Son as I liken that as double meaning to my Heavenly Father and my late Daddy Marlon Danas Chrisley. Reginald Dwight and I have a lot in common, except that I am straight and my dad wasnt cruel to me. But I understand him. As both an artist and a fellow roughed childhood. I had more of a Hamlet childhood with evil step dad who wanted my mother the Queen. So he poured vile poison in my ear to attempt to kill my awesome dads inner spirit within me to take his place just like the man in Hamlet did the same literally to kill Hamlets dad the King of Denmark to take his place and marry Hamlets mother. The fake king dies in the end of the play. One of many examples why I am a real life Hamlet. I too have a song called Believe; incidentally of course from my album of the same name. Mine is a bit more pointed than this one, but also contains dark classical strings with heavier rock guitar. #ArcForceOne #HamletRisesLikeAPhoenixFromTheAshesInLA #FlashKore #ArcPhoenixCorporation #IBelieveInLoveAndJustice A.pocrypha R.oot C.on-struct | A. b N. e G. a E. s L t | C R O W E ArcAngelCrowe | FlashKore | ArcPhoenix | ChrisleyMusic https://youtube/watch?v=ABSXJiYQFuI
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:11:37 +0000

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