My fb family, please forgive my cynicism but I believe that all - TopicsExpress


My fb family, please forgive my cynicism but I believe that all the marching, all the outpouring of emotional anger and all of the rhetoric coming from talk shows and elected officials will lead to the same place that the Martin Trayvon type of incidences have led in the last 50 years, and that is usually nowhere! There is always the call for Black and Hispanic people to be calm; there is always the talk of opening up a dialogue about race is in America, there are always promises. Think about it, has there really been any real change? Maybe a few small concessions here and there and admittedly some cities and/or states have done better than others; but mostly we are thrown a bone, like a new youth center opens in the community or some other token is made to keep the natives quiet; but alas again not real change. Question, what is the one thing that has fostered real change over the last fifty years; answer, the fear of economic consequences! The folks who have the real power in this country, when they see folks protesting and marching, do you think they really care? Why should they? But if you start holding back your dollars from them, their tune changes quickly. Why do you think that so many rich people jumped out of windows when the “Great Depression” started; poor people were hungry but they did not jump out of windows. When folks stopped riding the buses in Selma, what happened? When Coke a Cola faced a massive boycott years ago for not treating their African-American employees fairly, Coke-a-Cola changed almost over-night. Not all companies have racist attitudes, but they have the power to facilitate change in this country. And I don’t let us as Blacks and Latinos off the hook; too many of our kids are running rampant and have their heads focused on the wrong things. Paying for the most recent Air Jordan sneakers puts no money in our communities. Just getting by in school (not all our kids but enough) does not help our communities. What ever happened to respect, especially towards the elderly and other’s property? When are we going to stop idolizing the most degrading music and awful examples of behavior about relationships on television? Now that the George Zimmerman trail is over, people say we should talk about race; talk is good, forums are good but do we have to wait another fifty or so years? We are Americans just as much as other groups; we’ve fought and bled and died in every single war this country has had. We have to stop being so accommodating and so willing to sit at the table in so call open discussions about race that has not, does not and will not lead to hard core racist attitudes to change. But when you go after their wallets; maybe a few will jump out the window or they will tone down their racist ways. Are we willing to make sacrifices? Then don’t buy or vacation in Florida, or don’t order things from Florida; anything to deny our dollars from finding their way to Florida. And one more thing, when we find long term businesses that practice and enact racist attitudes and policies, we never ever should give our dollars back again unless real change is made, not short but long term! Send the message, you hate us, then you hate our dollars also. And when in God’s name will we be the ones pulling in the dollars from other groups and their communities! We need to go after a bigger piece of the American pie!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 12:08:52 +0000

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