My fears over 2015 elections - Justice - TopicsExpress


My fears over 2015 elections - Justice Akanbi Renowned jurist, Justice Mustapha Akanbi (rtd) has said that Nigeria needed real prayers because of some ominous signs as it inches towards the 2015 elections. The former chairman of the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission (ICPC), exclusively told the Nigerian Tribune In Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, that the country needed Gods directing hand ostensibly to allow a hitch free poll. He particularly said God needed to touch the heart of politicians to appreciate that peace and stability was sine qua non for the survival and progress of the country. Justice Akanbi, who described himself as an optimist, however said God had always delivered the country during seemingly turbulent times. We need prayers, real prayers. We need Gods mercy. We need Gods directing hand. We need everything that will soften the heart of the politicians to appreciate the fact that this is only country we all belong to. They merely say it with mouth, this is our country. Without Nigeria, we cant be anything. Without peace and rest, hope never comes to all, as Milton said in his Paradise Lost. The omens look dark, because there are lots of lies and mouth talks. God has always been kind to Nigeria. God will continue to be kind to us, because when we thought all hope was lost, God saved us. The intervening power of God will be what will save this country. And for those of us who believe in the efficacy of prayers, we shall not relent, we shall continue to pray to God to give us the right person to lead us. On the recommendation of the recently concluded national conference in Abuja for the creation of 18 new states, Justice Akanbi said new states would only compound the problems of the country. He noted that political undercurrents rather than other critical factors often underline the clamour for additional states. The former ICPC boss also opposed the scrapping of local government, saying the tier of government should be properly funded so as to make it discharge its obligations more effectively and efficiently. I understand they recommended 18 additional states at the conference, to make it 54 states in the country and that they called for the abolition of local governments. Is there any sense in abolishing local governments? What you need is to strengthen them, not to make them the apron string of state government. Whatever they want to give them, they give them. With more states, where do you get the financial resources to maintain them? The very moment you create them, some people will be happy, saying we will be this or that. For me, the creation of new states tends to create more problems for unity of our people. Justice Akanbi, who described himself as an optimist said he was confident that the country would remain one in spite of its current frightening challenges. He said the apparent loss of confidence in the corporate existence of the country by some individuals was as a result of poor leadership. Why some Nigerians have lost confidence in the corporate existence of the country is because they are overwhelmed by evils surrounding them, what the elders are doing. Leadership is the problem. And if you studied places like Botswana and few other countries, that are doing well, it is because of the kind of leadership that has emerged in those countries. So, some people have lost confidence, because they have not seen the right leadership. They lost confidence because they see that the people that are not good are being given positions of authority. And those that are good are too few. Some people feel that, like they say, if you cant beat them, join them. I think orientation through individual efforts, group and schools, will change things. But, I learnt parents go extra length to get expo for their children to pass exams. Or they go to remote parts of a place to do examinations in order to cheat. - See more at:
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:14:42 +0000

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