My fellow Americans, Do you remember what the armed federal - TopicsExpress


My fellow Americans, Do you remember what the armed federal agents did at the Bundy Ranch when armed citizens showed up, to stand up? The federal agents went home. Do you remember what the buses did that were carrying illegals to Murieta, CA to resettle them there after angry scores of citizens showed up to stop them? They turned around. The liberals/progressives/socialists/ communists have been very effective at driving the narrative for their agendas by staging optics that put pressure on ‘the establishment’ to act. Do you think that two NYPD police officers would have been assassinated, the rhetoric of ‘black lives matter’, or ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ grown hair if the only support was people ranting on FB? I think not. Love or hate the race baiters, they mobilize people, real live human beings that show up ‘in your face’. There is a movement that I’m sure you’re aware of that is calling for the replacement of John Boehner as Speaker of the House. At this time, there are approximately 25 house members that are willing to cast their ballot for someone other than Boehner. If that number bumps up to 30, Boehner will not have a clear majority and a second vote will take place(or as many as it takes) until someone has a clear majority. It’s not whoever gets the most votes. It must be a clear majority. The fact is that if Boehner does not win on the FIRST vote, he will have lost all credibility and SOMEONE other than himself will be the new speaker. Personally, it doesn’t matter to me if it’s Gowdy, Goehmert or ANYONE else, JUST NOT JOHNNY! He is not working for We the People. It’s really that simple. There is one way and ONLY one way to unseat him. The vote will take place on Tuesday, January 6th. It will be the first or second vote taken by the new congress. If enough people show up on Capitol Hill that Tuesday morning, it would probably be the catalyst to embolden some of the ‘fence sitters’ to make sure that Boehner does not get a majority on the first ballot. Then it’s Katy Bar the Door. Go back to the first paragraph. They pay attention when irate citizens take the time to physically ‘Show Up’. They realize people work and have other obligations. I, for one, will be there very early with my ‘Dump Boehner’ sign. That’s it. It doesn’t require me, you or anyone else to do anything more than be a body and a sign. . . Once again, that’s it! Do you want to oust this traitor who is sleeping with the enemy, or do you want to just keep complaining? STAND UP, NOT DOWN . . . Tuesday, January 6th, 2015 (standing down is oblamas job) “DUMP BOEHNER”
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 01:17:47 +0000

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