My fellow gentlemen, welcome, how are things. Today. I was fair. I - TopicsExpress


My fellow gentlemen, welcome, how are things. Today. I was fair. I had been suffering an an explained illness, at the hands of family and company. That cost me. 5days in a hospital. In 5 different places. Once. Twice. Iy is uncertain, to myself. What this unexplained illness was. I was able, to complete a full physical. I am well. And in good health. My blood test results, are a postive, sign of good health. Although as of late. I have been unable, to sleep eat. Nor feed my family. I am quite perplexed for I am Twitter. Still. Twitter wanted a verification of value? As far, as twitter was concerned. It was granted. In the billions. 4. While I am compared to Adol. Hitler. Ivan the Great, Napolean Bonapart. And many others from Western lands. Still I am certain that I am not King Tut. For truly in the era, of 2013. Currency has a value. That was once met, by Gold. Unfortunatedly. Alot has changed. Since initial rules were put into effect. To protect all citizens. Of This Great state. Unfortunatedly, with exception. Of a named selected few. I am now being forceable distant from. I have been unable to acquire proper. Value for my worth of service. Therefore. Going forward. I must unfortunatedly. Attempt. A. Hand at forced employment. In order to care for my family. I have suffered greatly. My first wife has been home since Mon. Caretaking me. I feel. Some day I may in fair. Health. Still my concerns are clearly greater. Overalll. Pls. Take care and be safe. As I also well. My fellow Country men. D4. 1. My only inquire as of date. Is hw. would I be effective at employment, hence forth when I am unwilling, to accept offers. Of gener-city. It is a sad. An un-fair. sITUATION. sTILL i AM Un-sure with my dying health. Will I be able. To monitor. My 3. Children, although. I may have others. Still that is an after thought. My concerns are un-fortunatedly only immediate. For I may be all things. Still I must sleep. And eat. Dress. Pay property tax. And survive. Even at my worth. I am pre-plexed. Called all things Still. I accept black. Afri-can. is an unusual term, for me to understand. Since where I. Add American. To the naming. Well. Fell well gentlemen. Until we meet again. 2. My question of the day for my citizens. Of State. Is why would the Indians. Built the railroad and then leave. It sounds like unfair labor. Still I am even more concerned. Why would Christopher Columb. I> Be openly though of as the claimer of American. Discovery. When clearly. The Pilgrams arrived 1st. With their own 3. Ships. Eat drink and be merry. I will. To escape religious? Persucution... 3. Well as my thoughts gather. I am interested. In the investments. Of My 1st. Wives family. the. K-I-N-G_S-O-N.S.*T. And The J-O-H_N-S_O-N-S. For the have always been with help. The cause of all my initial. Trips. Fun.Fun.Fun.Fun. To the Doctors. Ofiice. While I worried to death. About. My 1st. Wife and 3. Children. Well I always kept In my heart. That prayer. Would be. Done. On my behalf. I am thankful. To Dag Mills A reknowned Minister ().In Accra. West. Africa. I am very. Thanks-ful. To Mr. Mills and his family. Now I may be well. Maybe. I suffer the Danny Glover like symptons. Often when In the City. Cabs. Are un-concerned as to anything. But One. thing. Thns. Agian Light-House Chapel. And all its member(s). For their continued. Concerns. Once I left and re-turned from. The doctors. Office. Although none. Asked. I still felt that one may have known. Of my condition. Thanks. I must reamin. Focus. Dilligent. and well. This are intersting times I live. In. 1205pm...The Prince....D4. 2010-2015....Accepted. Thanks... LV-U_!!...
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 17:08:18 +0000

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