My final rant (for now) Hello my fellow Gunners. The first - TopicsExpress


My final rant (for now) Hello my fellow Gunners. The first weekend of August is over, the Emirates cup has passed, Arsenal has lost. What I’ve noticed is, the stadium was packed with smiling happy people, not one banner/sign/paper was there saying stuff we discuss here. We can apparently talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk…not so much, no. Anyway, I wasn’t protesting there either, so I won’t judge anybody (but it is true I live in a different time zone..excuses, excuses..:)). The tournament was a timely warning that there are things seriously wrong with the squad, and there isn’t a lot of time for fixing it. The whole Asia tour we were listening about the team spirit, people mentioning the end of last term and so on – absolutely no traces of it today. Gone with the Drog. I won’t discuss the minuses of the players playing, they were quite obvious. Instead, a few more words on the transfer window (yes, I know it has been said and written before, but still). We lack players. A lot of them. Good players too. Great actually. Replacing Gervinho with Gnabry is the same as replacing RvP with Giroud. As for Suarez – Wenger saying Arsenal want to do it properly, like gentlemen. YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE BIDDING ONE POUND EXTRA! Dumbass! The bridges are burned. I don’t know what he actually thought with that- maybe that we won’t insist on Suarez asking for a sale, but hey that’s the only way we can get him. Forget the long run already, focus on here and now! You know what I wish for? I wish we had Daniel Levy in the club. Maybe instead of Gazidis or as well as, but it would be better. He knows how you do business. Squeezing a 100 mil out of Real and still demanding more! He could probably sell Chamakh and Bendter for a nice sum too. But anyway, if the sale doesn’t happen(Bale), Spurs will be strong as hell. Him and Soldado, scary thought really. And suddenly Real will have millions to spend-guess who their target will be-yes, our own(we wish) Luis Suarez. The longer we wait, the further he is from joining us. And if Spurs sell, they will have shitload of money just to mess with us-offering 55, 60m to Liverpool just for fun-so we would have to raise our offer too. I hear we are into Ginter. Thats nice, he sounds like a true prospect. The only problem is, he will hit 5th gear and become a very valuable asset in same time as Sanogo-in 3 years time. Until than we will see Ramsey play all over the field (albeit he was good yesterday, if I’m not mistaken it’s his job to stop all the Napoli counters and kick Sneijder around so he can’t pass to Drogba. Or am I mistaken?) I would much more prefare Ginter’s older compatriot, Bender. I know we offered and they wouldn’t sell..OFFER MORE! We actually are in a position when we can afford to offer sums of money to clubs like Leverkusen so they cannot deny us. But we don’t. Or somebody at the club doesn’t. Liverpool is signing a new striker. From Atletico Madrid. And Atletico will be quite wealthy after all the sales. I know Santi said he will not join them, but, did you really learn nothing in the last few summers?! Players tend to say all sort of things, but then do whatever the f**K they want! And to tell you the truth Santi did not look like a happy player today (or like a quality player for that matter). And what about CBs? Guess who started the game today? Same person who will play all season if Mert or Kos break something. Sagna! So, it’s safe to say, we aren’t in the market. And since Carl was useless more or less, that frightens me. There was some talk about getting one replacement from Malaga for Bendtner, but the Dane isn’t moving. No matter how much I wanted Sagna to go after the season, I will take him any day before Jenkinson. We actually look quite sad at the moment. Players leaving, nobody coming, losing games- it really isn’t something that would make any player say- yes, Arsenal is the team of the future, that’s where I want to be. If you remember why Nasri went to City(besides the money)- it was Vieira calling him and saying it’s the place to be. Well, Arsenal isn’t. We do have the time and means to change that, but is there a will? I have serious doubts. Anyway, my fellow Gunners, I’m off to the seaside, only 15 minutes of internet per day, just to check if we actually signed anyone and to see the latest scoop Leo has to offer on the gossip side. After a day/gamne like today, I need it. So do you, go, relax, stay in the shade and take care of yourself-if the holiday months are doing so much damage to us, imagine what the season will be like- with a team that can’t stop a 35 year old striker and no new players. Take a break before it’s to late.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:21:18 +0000

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