My first heavy meal for today was a burger and potato wedges which - TopicsExpress


My first heavy meal for today was a burger and potato wedges which i took at 9pm.i woke up this morning went to my working place with only a tablet of multivit as my breakfast.went to my department cme after finishing reviewing all the beds and quickly went to clinic only to find hundreds of people waiting to be seen.omamak.macam pi open house pulak.with super power rangers ability which a surprise even to myself,my mos and me were able to finish almost hundred awaiting people to be seen in our room only.bilik lain saya tak peduli, *padahal bilik lain habis dulu*my specialist masuk,terkejut tengok case notes macam kad raya berlonggok dalam kotak.checked out from clinic,with a homework to refer kuching for dtpa scan on top of my ct abd appointment,went to ward while clerking my elective case,a patient in acute bed with inr of 5 complaining of difficulty breathing.oo ooh.where is my lunch,i could here my heart screaming while having difficulty setting the iv line and getting the mo came to help,femoral was the choice, *tinggalkan femoral dengan jugular je untuk dia,since prolonged inr,buat buat concern nanti bleeds :p *then preparing for another patient her degramont before arguing with my only colleague there whos the most jonah between the two of uspleting the hand over book,spoken to the pm person,planned to go s traight to olive but got involved in a chitchatting tepi jalan regarding a paeds patient which cant afford to get the treatment in the ward and finally logged in my fb,only to find,my friend planned to get married this sept in my birthmonth tapi last min baru nak buka rahsia.oh oh.i wish to go to sleep dreaming the time i wake up tomorrow my weight will reduce around 10kg,perhaps? ;p
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 14:58:27 +0000

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