My first pokepasta of the month. Sorry for any grammar errors, - TopicsExpress


My first pokepasta of the month. Sorry for any grammar errors, wrote it super late. I cant believe he beat me again... I had finally beat the elite four and became champion... But then he had to come and ruin it all like he always does! It just isnt fair... Hes always been everyones favorite too, since day one. Grandfather couldnt even remember my name... He had to ask HIM what it was... Grumbling I return to grandfathers lab, the assistant gave me a meak wave, accompanied with a pity filled stare. Grandfather was bent over a table, busily working away on something in front of him. Yes...This should do the trick... With these he shouldnt be able to ever lose again...Never again... I could hear him mumble as his hands moved quickly, after a few moments his back straightened and he turned, a grin distorting his face and pulling down the shadows under his eyes to make him look like a mad man. Grandfather, is everything okay? Oh yes Blue, everything is very okay. Remember that Raticate I had you send me? And the Eevee you traded me for its evolution? Well, Ive made them stronger, in fact I made them unbeatable, and with them, youll be unbeatable. Of course I decided to make a few other select Pokemon like them too. You see, I had an bulbasaur laying around because nobody wanted him, but after what I did to him, nobody can, not want him. Grandfather went on to ramble on about how he figured it all out, how he figured out how to create pokemon. He was sounding like a lunatic now. Grandfather please! What are you talking about? Hush Blue, Ill explain, yes yes, Ill explain, just let me show you youre two new partners. Before I could say another word he latched onto my arm and pulled me beside him, forcing me to look at the table was a orange creature with a light purple closed flower on its back, its eyes red. Tentacles with little stingers on the ends laid beside it. And next to that was something which made my jaw flat out drop, darty little eyes with a glimpse of sadness in them stared up at me, a bushy tail slowly wagging against the table top and a puff of fur around its chest and neck, its body was slim, its teeth sharp. Pointed ears popped up when it saw me, as if awaiting for something. But I was speechless. You see my grandson, I made you something no one else has ever had. Pokemon fused together. That there is a bulbasaur and beedrill. I call it Bulbadrill, and Im sure you recognize your own pokemon, theyre now better then ever! As a eevicate... Arent they beautiful? Yea...yeah I guess... I thought so too. But dont let their looks deceive you, they can be viscous little devils too. Here, lets demonstrate. Oh Assistant! Yes, please stand right there, yes there thank you. Now Bulbadrill, as we rehearsed please, I want you to give him the move I thaught you. The sting one. Wide eyed the assistant stood where directed, and horrified I watched as the Bulbadrill stood itself up, its tentacles moving quickly, and its flower opening to reveal two wings, it lifted itself up and flew close to the assistant, circling above him for a few moments, seeming to size the man up, figuring out, just where to strike. It finally found its target and one of its tentacles whipped forward, the stinger tearing through the assistant. The professor laughed as the assistant fell to his knees, gasping and grasping at his throat. You see my dear boy, all this time, from the very beginning, this was all set it. I never forgot your name, no, I needed you to think I did to give Red the advantage, I needed you to think he was better from the get go, so I gave him a starter stronger then yours, I needed this too all happen. Every win and loss of both of yours. It was all part of my plan see? Grandfather never forgot my name? Gave Red a better starter? What plan grandfather? What are you talking about? I asked as the assistant slumped forward, the Bulbadrills stinging tentacle retracting. To create the best trainer ever with an unbeatable team. See, Red thinks hes the best right now, and so does the rest of Kanto, so when you show up, and demolish him and his pokemon with your fused pokemon, youll be seen as the best trainer ever, Id like to see other trainers try and take you out. Youll be unstoppable Blue, and itll all be thanks to me. You see, youre the one whos always been my favorite, not Red. Now take Bulbadrill and your eevicate, and show the world they will never forget. Before I could even answer he was pushing me out the door, two new odd looking pokeballd in hand, they were blue and red, with an F in the middle. I could feel Blastoise move in the pokeball at my waist, something told me he wasnt comfortable, and if he wasnt comfortable something was wrong. Grandfather gave me both Eevee and Squirtle at the start of my adventure, I caught my rattata soon after. When it evolved into a Raticate we grew close. I bonded with all three of them. Grandfather made me give him eevee and Raticate though, told me to pretend he had died. I knew something was up but I didnt push it, but now I knew what he was doing. As I thought I had walked to the entrance of the elite four, and with a sigh I entered, battling my way through, until I got to Red. At this point my blood was rushing through me, the adrenaline rushing. I had four pokemon on me, the two given to me by Grandfather, Blastoise, and my Rhydon. Rhy had just fainted though, and Blast was down low, both fusions not have been used yet kept full health. I straightened my shirt after checking the statuses of my pokemom and walked in. Aye Blue! Come back around for another match bud? He has indeed. Itll be your last one too. Red and I both spun to look at my grandfather the professor as he sat on the champions seat, waiting. What do you mean Gramps? I ask, slightly unedeged. Just use the pokemon I gave you Blue... Red was scratching his head now, confused. Um well lets get started huh? And so we began. Even with low health Blast took out his Charizard, and then two other of his pokemon. But when Blast fainted and he sent out his pokemon all I could do was finger Bulbadrills pokeball, hesitate to open it. Blue, theres a time and place for everything. And now is that time! Gramps yelled at me, so I tossed the ball out in an underhand throw, catching it as it returned after releasing the monster fusion. What is that?... Reds eyes widen as he asked, Grmps just chuckled. You know what? Doesnt matter! Still gonna win this! Red yelled a command to his pokemon, only for it to miss and be wrapped up in Bulbadrills tentacles. Bulbadrill kept squizing too. Why didnt he stop? STOP! I even yelled at him to stop, but he didnt, not until he had squeezed the life out of Reds pokemon. I could tell by the look in his eyes when ours met he was as scared as me. We both started backing up, and as Bulbadrill grew closer to him, he sent out his other two remaining pokemon, only for one to have a tentacle sent through its throat and the other have its being absorbed. And I watched in horror as it approached Red. But then it stopped, and looked at me. Waiting. See Blue, see what youre capable of now with these Pokemon I created for you? Just say the word and your rival will never be seen from again. And you will indeed be the strongest trainer. I have all the information on my computer on at the lab too, so we can fuse even more pokemon. Just say the word. I thought for a moment, here was everything I ever wanted, just a word a way, I could finally take out the guy who had been a torn in my side for ages, and so of course I decided to. I pulled out eevicates ball and let him out too. And said my command. I said the word. Bulbadrill, stab on Red. Eevicate...Mega bite on Gramps. Smell you both later... After the deeds were done me and the pokemon went back to the lab. I used all the pokemon in the pc to fuse pokemon after Pokemon, and I prepared to travel thr world... With my army. -Devilsoup
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:37:30 +0000

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