My former family doctor warned me about the coming disaster of the - TopicsExpress


My former family doctor warned me about the coming disaster of the PPACA before he left his practice, making me aware of the acute concerns that many in the medical community had concerning it’s implementation. After researching and reading early drafts of the bill I understood why it poses a threat to the American economy and the lives of most Americans. Keep in mind the President promised we could keep old plans, doctors and there would be a reduction of the cost of health insurance. Time will soon tell the truth of those campaign promises and my skepticism will be allayed. Here are a few things to consider: •The PPACA is about 2,700 pages long, accompanied by approximately 20,000 pages of regulations. •There are at least 20 new imbedded taxes. •The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates about 32 million will be covered by the PPACA, but close to 30 million will still remain uninsured by 2016. •Congresswoman Pelosi encouraged colleagues to pass the bill before they read it to find out what’s in it. •Zero Republicans in both Houses of Congress along with a few Democrats voted to pass it, making it a 100% Democrat endeavor. •Three major unions who were major cheerleaders for the bill, in a letter to Senator Reid (D) Nevada and Congresswoman Pelosi (D) California, say the PPACA “will destroy the health and wellbeing of its members and those of millions of Americans.” They don’t sound like big fans now. •Major co-author of the PPACA, Max Baucus (D) Montana, warns of multiple train wrecks if implemented and Senator Reid now agrees. Reid secretly met with John Boehner (R) House Majority Leader to seek exemption for members of Congress. •Sarah Paiin warned of death panels and was mercilessly vilified by Howard Dean. Dean now warns of death panels. •The IRS will be in charge of enforcement. When the new IRS Director, Danny Werfel, was asked by members during a Congressional hearing if he plans to partake in the PPACA, he replied that he likes his FEHBP just fine thank you and wants no part of the PPACA for himself and his employees. Chuck Grassley (R) IA introduced an amendment to the bill in 2009, which made Congress subject the law like everyone else. Congress voted to add the amendment. In the rush to pass the bill they failed to see that their gold standard FEHBP would be adversely affected, costing them thousands of dollars. Now they want no part of that. Well, they called down the thunder and should have to endure the coming storm like the rest of us. I’m curious. An interesting and insulting development occurred Friday night August 2, 2013. Insulting is excellent descriptor of anyone or group getting an exemption from the PPACA’s harmful effects. Congressmen and their staffs were supposed to suffer the same ill effects every other American will under the PPACA. (Grassley Amendment) However, thanks to lobbying by the President, the Office of Personnel Management has declared Congressmen and their staff will get a special deal. Our Tax dollars will cover 75% of their health care costs. Normal Americans, the little people, won’t get a deal this good under the PPACA. Just Congress, their staff, their select friends and select friends of the President will get exemptions. The President has already given over 1,200 PPACA waivers to his union cronies. Then he exempted his Big Business buddies. Now, the folks who passed the law, get special treatment? Why don’t we? Do you think this is right? Do you think it’s fair that the President has usurped the Constitution to change parts of a law he, his cronies and the creators of the law don’t like? Our country was founded on the principle that every American is equal under the law and throughout its History the American populace has struggled to make that ideal possible, including a horrific Civil War and contentious Civil Rights battles. Now it looks like some folks are more equal than others. The American populace must exercise our right and duty to partake in our unique and exceptional Constitutional Republic. This is our government of, by and for the people, not the elite. We must demand of our Senators and Representatives that if they and their staff get a special deal, so should we. If the PPACA is so great, the people who passed it should not be running away from it. They produced it and should have to drink it too. Better yet, defund, repeal and rewrite this hideous beast. Then Congress must READ, READ and READ it again before they vote to pass it.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 20:31:56 +0000

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