My friend Al Brown shares DENZEL WASHINGTON: YOU NEVER SEE A - TopicsExpress


My friend Al Brown shares DENZEL WASHINGTON: YOU NEVER SEE A U-HAUL BEHIND A FUNERAL PROCESSION....YO CANT TAKE IT WITH YOU...SO GIVE BACK YOUR LOVE! MUSIC THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAS HAD THE INTERNATIONAL ALL OVER THE EARTH ABILITY TO CALM THE FIERCENESS OF THE SAVAGE BEAST AND QUIET THE NATIVE SOUL OF MANKIND: AND AGAIN SHE MUSIC CAN BE THE SAVOR AND SAVIOR OF WORLD PEACE STOP THE VIOLENCE remembering our loved ones on *MEMORIAL DAY 2014*...and their scarlet sacrifices made to protect and service the call of FREEDOM AND EQUALITY FOR ALL......with onelove! An additional post by Robert J. Austin Robert J. Austin From the earliest of our Gary. Indiana. Roosevelt High School-2300 Jackson Street Days of Midtown Little League right out in back of the Jacksons home and Roosevelts poor sand lot football field .. Days that I can always remember to remember that seems like our playing time was just a string of one long happy day of neighbor summer games and singing stuck on endless fun and funny, I have known Joseph Jackson for that many decades and I have never viewed him any different than any other of all of our fathers and step father As some of us have know the both. Joe Jackson was just an ordinary Black father of the 1960s...Except he had an uncanny ability to stand tall up against anyone or anything that would come against him and his wife, sons and daughters. Somehow, Joseph was blessed to have just a little bit of a measure more of determination and vision and knowhow and more talented children and mouths to feed than the rest of the field. One thing for certain, I never saw a lack of protection nor love for not only his whole family but love for his friends too. Here is a good example of Josephs vision and loyalty for a friend. I was just beginning to write songs for a young group out of Chicago called the 21st Creation on Golden Tone/ Motown Records. Because of the difficulty in breaking into the business I didnt get any songs on the 21st Creations Motown LP. It was Joe Jackson, who lent a leg up and gave me and Reynaud D. Jones my song partner our first real breakthrough professional opportunity at songwriting in Los Angeles. “We are the World” and “Thriller” in 1984. Sold 124 million recordings and generated sales in excess of $1.02 billion dollars, 30 years ago. ON THE BIRTHDAY OF REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING A VERY PRECIOUS HISTORIC EVENT QUIETLY TOOK PLACE IN THE CYBERSPACE OF THE “INTERNET” THAT WILL VERY WELL HOPEFULLY MARK A NEW PAGE IN AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY WITH THE INTENTION TO GIFT THE WORLD WITH A PLETHORA OF MANY MORE TO COME “NEW SONGS” OF THE FAMOUS “WE ARE THE WORLD HUMANITARIAN MUSIC GENRE” THIS ACT OF KINDNESS AND RECONCILLATION WAS PLEDGED IN “OPTIMISM” & “HARMONY” FOR ALL PEACE LOVING INHABATANTS AND INHABITANCE OF MOTHER EARTH FOR OPENING UP “A BRAND” NEW PAGE IN THE ANNUALS OF ALL AMERICAN ENTERTAINMENT MUSIC PHILANTHROPY ....WITH GREAT PLEASURE I. ROBERT J. AUSTIN HUMBLY OFFICALLY RE-UNITED WITH MR. JOSEPH AND MRS. KATHERINE JACKSON AND THE ENTIRE JACKSON FAMILY FOUNDERS OF THE WORLD RENOWN LAS VEGAS/GARY INDIANA ENDOWMENT TO THE WORLD THE JACKSON FAMILY FOUNDATION. THIS UPSHOT MONUMENTIAL OCCASION FOR ME AND I WOULD HOPE FOR YOU CAN BE FOUND BY ANYONE THAT IS A IS CONNECTION AND REGISTERED ON THE LINKEDIN NETWORK. TO SOME THIS MAY SEEM LIKE A TRIVIAL PURSUIT BUT I CAN GUARANTEE THE WORLD WITH OUR JOINT BEST EFFORTS THAT OUT THE THIS MODEST HUMANITARIAN AND PEACE LOVING RENAISSANCE CAN COME THE RE-BIRTH OF THE TOTAL LAUNCH OF THE “LITTLE KNOWN” PROJECT TO BENIFIT OUR HOMETOWN AND THE ENTIRE WORLD COMMUNITY THAT WAS BEGUN IN FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE BY GARY INAIANAS MOST PRECIOUS NATIVE SON AND SUN MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON and little unknown me!” If there is merit in the ancient adage that our “Charity Should Begin At Home” then we will begin by helping to build a much needed Indiana University Methodist Hospitals 300 Bed ‘Teaching Hospital’ and a new GARY ‘Emergency Trauma Center’ AND OTHER INTERNATIONALLY IMPORTANT CULTURAL, SPORTS, EDUCATIONAL, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, HUMANITARIAN AND PHILANTHROPIC, WORLDWIDE and All America DREAM ZONE” URBAN COMMUNITY OLYMPIC INFRASTRUCTURE ..OUR CHARITY BEGINNING AT THE HOMETOWN OF MICHAEL JACKSON, MR. JOSEPH JACKSON, MRS. KATHERINE JACKSON, THE ENTIRE JACKSON FAMILY AND ME…”GARY, INDIANA.” IT’S the ‘2014-2015’ G.I. LOVE Extravaganza: “THE TRILLION DOLLAR MARCH ONE.” CHICAGO WANTS THE OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY Will the Obama family move back to Chicago, after their sojourn in Washington? Chicago pride gets hurt by suggestions that the first family has probably outgrown its Chicago and mid-Western roots. The Chicago Sun-Times Sneed hears speculation President Obama and wife Michelle [who Sneed bets will not move back into their Hyde Park home when he leaves office] will likely let their residence become part of the proposed University of Chicago presidential library system. A probable tour site? Betcha, the Chicago Sun-Times Michael Sneed wrote on Thursday, March 6. Robert J. Austin: I most recently entered my plan designed and formulated by my Forever Friend Michael Jackson & I to build THE JACKSON FAMILY FOUNDATION MUSEUM IN GARY-CHICAGO LAND in National Business Plan Competition whose main goal was stated to be the advancement economic Development and Jobs Formation I was not selected as a plan worthy of consideration. YOU GIVE SIGGY JACKSON AND URBAN INTERNET RADIO PROMOTER CURTIS ALLEN AND I FEED BACK AS TO THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS PHILANTHROPIC, HUMANITARIAN, SPORTS, CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENDEAVOR. QUESTION & ANSWER QUALIFICATION TO ENTER THE NATIONAL BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION. *note I have included a very few extra words [because of submission rules] that were not included in the original submission on March 7, 2014. 1. QUESTION: DESCRIBE YOUR IDEA 100 WORDS OR LESS Urban Aid: Hearts Around the World, U.S.A. ™ and Urban Multimedia Entertainment AID LLC, U & ME AID LLC., are a not-for-profit 501C(3) and for-profit LLC working in tandem multimedia entertainment company(s), whose mission is to build a ‘ALL STEEL’ “state of the art” “Gary-Chicago Performing Arts Center,” THE OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY and a wonderful economic stimulus for Gary Chicago Land *The Jackson Family Foundation Museum*, Ancillary Museum Complex of Cultural Contemporary Art; a music, television, film and production facility, Amphitheater, OLYMPIC Sports Stadium, and Convention Exposition Center. The proposed architecture by Frank Gehry, known for Chicago’s Millennium Park is an edifice envisioned to promote the Gary-Chicago International Airport, Regional Tourism, Sports and Education. 2. QUESTION: DESCRIBE WHY WILL YOUR IDEA WORK 100 WORDS OR LESS This is an unabashed attempt to harness the awesome power of music, through the medium of the global Internet entertainment marketplace, to inspire people all around the world. Music has touched the human soul across all the known boundaries of both time and space. This will be accomplished through the production and marketing of 14 all new ALL AMERICAN WORLD ANTHEMS and 14 GOSPEL AMERICANA ANTHEMS,28 songs totaled; originally written for MICHAEL JACKSON by Robert J. Austin to be presented on the world-stage via the revolutionary medium of the Internet with its phenomenal ability to present content driven intellectual properties through social media marketing. 3. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO BRING YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE TO MARKET AND WHY 50 WORDS OR LESS 4. First [of 28 Startup Partnership All American World Anthems] Song title and proposed release date: TO BE ANNOUNCED 5. THE PARIS JACKSON, OPARH WINFREY, MICHELLE OBAMA, IVANKA TRUMP, HILLARY CLINTON, ALMA POWELL, JANET RENO, BARBARA WALTERS, YOKO UNO, JANET YELLEN, MARIA CONTRERAS-SWEET, ROSAYLNN CARTER, MAYA ANGELOU, KATHERINE JACKSON: ALL AMERICANS WORLDWIDE WOMENS AMERICAN LOVE SONG!/”STAND UP FOR ALL AMERICA’S: WOMEN’S LOVE” 6. Second [of 28 Startup America Partnership All American World Anthems] Song title and proposed release date: July 4th, 2014 / AUGUST 29, 2014 / January 2015. THE OBAMA TRUMP LOVE CALL: A MESSAGE FROM MANDELA, MICHAEL, WHITNEY AND MARTIN: ONE- SONG, IT’S LOVE, ONE-LOVE! WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN ( MONEY, EQUIPMENT, PEOPLE, ETC) 100 WORDS OR LESS Robert Austin: innovative producer has written and arranged music in corroboration with Top Artists in the Industry; including Michael Jackson, ‘King of Pop’; Gene Page, arranger for Barry White. Future proposed collaborations are with Paul Riser, arranger for Smokey, Diana, Temps, Marvin, Stevie; James Carmichael arranger for Lionel Ritchie, Michael Jackson, The Jackson Five; H.B. Barnum, arranger for Aretha Franklin.; Quincy Jones producer and arranger for MICHAEL JACKSON. The “All New All American World Anthems” are proposed to be recorded in SIX language versions and TEN music genres, cost of $168, 000.00 per song. $1.00 WILL BE DONATED TO THE BARACK OBAMA FOUNDATION FOR BUILDING THE GARY CHICAGO OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY [or donations for the building fund any city of the President Barack Obama Foundation’s choice] $1.00 WILL BE DONATED TO HELP REDUCE OUR U.S.A. NATIONALTRILLION DOLLAR PLUS NATIONAL DEBT. Additional funding partnerships [WITHOUT CAPITAL INVESTMENT] with business and philanthropic organizations worldwide will retain “35% to 50% PERCENTAGES” of all sale revenue that the organizations obtain from product sales to their constituency and membership roles. Organizations like: ANY MUNICIPAL GOVERNING UNIT local, Domestic or International; such City, Township, State or Federal Governmental Unit, Gary, Indiana. National Civil and Human Rights Hall of Fame Museum and Institute, Catholic Charities Worldwide, ALL National Baptist Conventions, Any Religious organization, Rainbow PUSH, National ACTION Network, National Black United Fund, National Black United Front, FARM AID, United WAY, Lodges, Service Clubs, International and National Red Cross, National Urban League, Hospitals, Unions, Fraternities and Sorties, Charter , Public, Private Elementary and High Schools, Technical Schools, Historical Black Colleges and Universities, Major AND Small Colleges, Universities ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS, NAACP, American Civil Liberties Union, All Organizations promoting Minority Rights or Health and Human Services, FOUNDATIONs AND NGO’s Worldwide and a vast host of any worthy corporation or organization that desires to become a partner to raise funds and awareness of their humanitarian and philanthropic endeavor for such endeavors as: SCIENCE, EDUCATION, MEDICINE, ENVIRONMENTAL ECOLOGICAL PRESERVATION AND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT, MEDICAL RESEARCH, WATER SHORTAGE, SPORTS, RELIGION, CULTURE, MUSIC, ART, MUSEUMS, WORLD PEACE, HUNGER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND JUSTICE . 5. WHAT IS THE PROFIT POTENTIAL AND ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF YOUR IDEA 100 WORDS OR LESS? Performing Arts Center & Stadium Feasibility Survey Study: September 20, 2002 article by Brendan O’Shaunessy – Tiimes Business “HVS Study: Convention Center would help region”: NW Indiana Times. HVS Convention, Sports and Entertainment Facilities Consulting Company was commissioned to determine if Lake County could support a full-blown convention center and what economic impact it would have on the region. The answer delivered was: HVS predicted the facility would create more than 330 jobs in the area. “I would love building that type of facility in Indiana.” said Northwest Indiana Forum President Tom McDermott. “ “We are the World” and “Thriller” in 1984. Sold 124 million recordings and generated sales in excess of $1.02 billion dollars, 30 years ago.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 20:39:59 +0000

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