My friend Gregorio got this astonishing email from an elder. Read - TopicsExpress


My friend Gregorio got this astonishing email from an elder. Read and be amazed! Hello Gregorio, It may seem strange that i am writing you. I stumbled across your website and saw the advertisement for Truth Be Told movie. First i would like to congratulate you for the accomplishment. I know making a movie is not cheap or easy, so i wish you all the best with it. Unfortunately i will be away that week. I hope it will be available at other times and places. I look forward to seeing it. The reason this may seem strange for me to write you is that I am a current JW. I serve as an elder for approaching two decades. When I heard the interviews with those young men and women i could understand what you are talking about. I can see that the amount of control and isolation that the WT has over JWs. I can see why people are leaving. I find this whole business of higher education one of the most silly episodes in our history. The practice of shunning, while scriptural in some cases, i dont think it was meant to use it as a weapon against those who do not comply with the WT wishes. Nor was it supposed to be done in secret like some fascist organization. It makes me queasy to see it used as a club to keep other JW in line. The issue of blood seems to be also coming apart at the seams as to our understanding of what the Bible truly meant. And most sadly of all, the issue of how child abusers are handled is most shameful. ( I dont even want to go there. I truly find this disheartening) I dont think that the majority of JW are bad, perhaps a bit naive, but not mean-spirited. The leadership, of which you could say i am a part, is another story. Many years ago i became an elder thinking that i could make a difference in peoples lives, both inside the organization, and with others. I thought that i would know the goings on within the congregation, and thus be able to protect my children from those on the edge of the organization. However, in the end, the only ones i have ever had to protect my family against was other elders. The very ones appointed to protect the flock. When i look at the GB, i can see increasingly a group of men that have become self congratulatory, and obsessed with self importance. Increasingly there is information put out without scriptural backing, and we are told just to believe them. If we do not then we could be disfellowshipped. I find this most arrogant. What i am trying to say is that i have seen there is a difference between Jehovah vs Jehovahs Witnesses and the WT. Two separate things. Our God Jehovah is great. JW and WT not so much. I hope that your documentary will show that distinction in a fair and balanced way. I am making these comments to you confidentially. I ask you to keep it that way. I think you already know what can happen to me and my family for the comments i have made here. Remember, I only worship Jehovah, so I love truth. Which means i want the truth to come out. I wish you success with your movie. And if you need any support please let me know. I will see what i can do. Please feel free to write me back if you wish. I am not sure about how you view me since I am still a JW, but i view you as my brother. My mind is not blinded. Your brother
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 20:12:20 +0000

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