My friend Jonas Peterson Photography and I have been talking about - TopicsExpress


My friend Jonas Peterson Photography and I have been talking about putting together a workshop together for ages and we are now in the final stages of launching something. Even though Jonas and I shoot very different things, we share the belief that creating art and photography goes much deeper than gear, light and composition. Knowing all those things is of course crucial, but understanding why youre creating and how to create things that truly matter to you is what will set you apart as a creative. Jonas and I want to put together a 2-day workshop where we both share how we create what we do, but also more importantly why. We also want to help you find - or find your way back to - a place where what you create resonates with you on a deeper level. Both Jonas and I struggle with how to package this, how do you sell the idea of a workshop where how to run a business or how to pose a model come secondary to developing a voice that matters both to you and the people you shoot for. But we want to try. I dont want to put my copywriter hat on and sell this to you. Jonas is one of my favorite humans. If you need this, we think you know deep down. We also dont want this to be a hey lets sit in a circle for two days and leave more confused than when we arrived kind of workshop. We want to leave with with tools to go forward, to break out of creative ruts and ways to create truly meaningful art. There will be practical elements as well as shooting. The plan is to do two 2-day workshops in Australia in January, one in Melbourne and one in another Sydney. If theres more interest, we can look at adding a third. Possible dates are January 13-14 and January 21-22. What we want to do before we launch in ten days is to hear from you. Would you be interested? If so please write Jonas, at mail@jonaspeterson using the subject Ryan & Jonas Workshop and let us know youre interested. By writing youre not committing to ANYTHING at all, we just want you to tell us where you want the workshop to be, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, etc. And please let your friends know too, well go where the interest is. The price will be $1795 AUD for a two day workshop. Based on that we will put the schedule together before launching. If you dont know Jonas work you can see it here: jonaspeterson/ Its amazing as you are about to see. Jonas is also an amazing writer, he wrote this post and I switched the names... Anyway I look forward to meeting you down under.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:27:50 +0000

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