My friend Leanne has inspired me with her story and I would like - TopicsExpress


My friend Leanne has inspired me with her story and I would like to share it with you! I wanted to share how my Omnitrition journey began. I have been asked by a few people to share. This is my story. I apologize for the plain text. it would be so much better if I could just upload the document like I can in a group. I hope this finds you inspired to never let anything stop you from moving forward. With Gods grace I am here to share! Finding the Funds.. it’s what makes the impossible..possible! Do you have a goal to reach? Does it seem impossible to reach it because of finances? “I can’t afford it!” “ I will never be able to do that! “ Let me tell you, YOU ARE RIGHT! As long as you keep telling yourself You CAN’T.. I promise. YOU CAN’T SO what IF you COULD?? How about we look at possibilities You have resources and more than that you have determination! What is your goal? Do you know WHY you have that goal? Your WHY is all you need for encouragement! Your WHY is important!! Would you like to change your health? Yes, but I just can’t afford it Would you like to place an order with Omnitrition? Yes, but I just can’t afford it. Yes, I really want to do this, BUT I see NO WAY for it to happen! Do you see how your WHY needs to be your encouragement? Do you see how easy it is to say Yes? Then, how come we let our “but’s and can’ts” stop us?? I am here to share that YES YOU CAN! We can make the impossible...possible! Let me tell you my story and what I learned. My testimony... Leanne Schock I began my Omnitrition journey in November 2013. I had $32.00 in my bank account. I was broken and miserable! I had watched my friend transform before my eyes for over a year and although I was proud of her I could not see myself capable of the same results. Mainly because “there was no way I could ever afford it!” I felt stuck and helpless. Then one day after driving my son to school I hit bottom! I pulled over and sat there. I could hardly breathe with emotion. I found myself calling my friends number. She answered. I could not speak. I am sure I scared her! This is so not my “style”! I finally, muttered I need help. I know I need to make changes in my life and it has to begin with me! I have $32.00 which I know doesn’t begin to cover it. What can I do? We began to talk about what I could do and how I can begin to make it happen. I hung up the phone feeling hopeful. I had no idea how I would make it happen but I knew I had to make it happen. The first step..ASK FOR HELP! In a matter of days I was awaiting my first order. I made some changes in priorities on payday and made the sacrifice to invest in me. My husband was not sure if he supported me or not but I can say he saw a determination in me that told him to support me or back off.(Again, not “my style” of handling things, however the change needed to happen!) This was all new to me! I dove into my first order like it was Christmas morning! I seriously knew nothing about what I was taking, I just knew that it helped my friend and it would help me too. I had nothing to lose and everythingto gain! Okay, maybe I should restate that. I had my bad health to lose and only amazing things to gain! Fast forward a few months I was just completing my first Omni drop round, I was down 33 pounds and feeling better than I had in a very long time! My skin glowed from the amazing vitamins and for the first time in a very long time I felt there was hope again. Now, here’s the thing, there is nothing in my family budget that allows me to do this. I made sacrifices that seemed big in the beginning. Like cutting out some favorite snack foods from the grocery store, or a few of those “on the go” dinner stops because we didn’t feel like cooking dinner, renting a movie instead of the whole family going out to see a movie. Things like that. I did sign up eventually for distributorship for the personal savings only, it was like having an instant 20% off coupon at my disposal at all times. (That was only the beginning, and let me tell you I am in love with the business side of Omnitrition now, WOW has my life changed!!!) Whether you are on the fence about starting your Omni journey to better health, looking to just try a couple things, wanting to jump in with both feet and try the business opportunity. No matter what it takes to get there. IT IS WORTH IT! I sit here today, ten months from the very first desperate call, 101 pounds less and smashing goals, feeling better than I have ever felt in my life and building a business I can be proud of. We have all the tools we need within ourselves and when we aren’t quite sure how to use them we have wonderful encouragers all around us. Know your WHY and do not let anything stand in your way! My why has changed from needing to save myself, to improving our family finances to helping others and the list goes on. Set goals and do all you can to smash them! You are worth it! A few ideas that could help the impossible be possible. These are all things I DID! I was worth it and so are you!! ● Collect loose change, it all adds up ● Sell items you do not use or do not need online, garage sell, local consignment etc. ● Request odd jobs to earn a little extra.. friends need a date night? babysit! ● Turn in that recycling! ● Look at what you spend your money on, eating out, movies etc.. re-prioritize ● Look at your grocery list..are there things that you really don’t need.. save your money ● Use coupons, save the difference ● Start a savings plan with your distributor to save up ● Start with a basic product plan and add to it as you go, talk to your distributor! ● Want Personal Savings? Distributorship? Talk to your distributor, There are so many options! ● KNOW that you ARE NOT ALONE!! We are all here to help you! YOU ARE WORTH IT! Finding the Funds.. it’s what makes the impossible..possible!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 15:22:18 +0000

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