My friend, Lori Gregory Garrott, had a brilliant post I want to - TopicsExpress


My friend, Lori Gregory Garrott, had a brilliant post I want to share: You know, I havent posted about this a lot. But here are my thoughts after fighting 26, after watching LGBT friends crumble under the vote about gay marriage years ago. Yesterday is the same as today. Tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. Nothing has substantially changed considering all of these bills will be deemed unconstitutional by SCOTUS. And well pay for that fight instead of education, or feeding our hungry kids, or providing services to families in need. I cant get angry about it anymore because I lose too much of myself in the fight. Tolstoy said this in War and Peace--The strongest of all warriors are these two--time and patience.-- Now, dont go thinking Ive read War and Peace again. Once was enough. But it WAS on Arrow. And Im on a Netflix binge. But the point remains the same. Despite Bryant, McDaniels, whomever, this is all coming at a national level. If you vote. If you organize correctly. Its all coming. America will not exist without the recognition of women and the LGBT community. So, find a group. Get out of your house. Show up at a rally. Call your representative. Vote. Show up. Be present for your government or they will govern you. In the worst way imaginable. Be passionately present. And not just on social media. Put your body in front of a camera. A legislature. A church member. And SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. We can change this. But put your body where your keyboard is pointing. Be brave and be loud. But most importantly, be a Mississippi kid that aint putting up with this shit no more.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:00:00 +0000

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