My friend Michael challenged me in a post this week. I decided to - TopicsExpress


My friend Michael challenged me in a post this week. I decided to copy my response as a separate post: The principals that our country was founded on led to our country becoming the greatest nation on earth. However, our government has done a great job of screwing up our country. We have far too much poverty. I am not just talking about the number of people squating on welfare. We have become morally impoverished too. Our educational system is a joke. I have less faith than ever in our justice system. Our national debt is out of control. Our military is too big and expensive. Besides our government screwing up our country, many of our people are holding us back too. Much of our society has gotten lazy and decided that they are victims. It is bullshit. Yes, I do believe that regardless of your skin color, in America we have the freedom to prosper. If you are willing to work hard and make good choices you can prosper. I was effectively homeless and barely employed 17 years ago. By comparison, today I feel prosperous. I also feel vilified for having made that climb by those in government and those supposed 99%ers who are realy the 50%ers who pay no taxes anyway. Am I in the 1%? No. But I will be. The freedoms guaranteed us by our founders in the Constitution and the freedom of an almost Capitalist economy combined with effort and good choices will get me there. We are far from where we could be if people would pull themselves up by their boot straps and reach for something. Instead they sit on their couches watching reality TV and playing video games, getting fat and broke and they lash out at the producers rather than taking responsibility for their choices that led them to where they are. I could go on but I lack the eloquence of this short clip that I wish I didnt relate to so much. Have you seen this video? What are your thoughts?
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:34:53 +0000

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