My friend, Mimi, was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told she - TopicsExpress


My friend, Mimi, was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told she had only 4 weeks to live. I had heard about this stuff called MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) which a lot of people have reportedly been using to help fight cancer, HIV, malaria, and a bunch of other diseases. I told Mimi what I knew about MMS and she decided to give it a try. This morning I received these text messages from her best friend: You are such a special person, Jamie....! It is TOTALLY WORKING, DUDE... Mimi is completely back, it just means the world to me that you have given me my friend back, if even for a day, but it has been several.... THANK YOU, FROM EVERY PIECE OF MY SOUL......!!!! U R just an angel.... I DONT even have the right words right now, and if I was there right now Id give you a big hug and might squeeze the life right outta you, lol..... Totally an emotional day for me, and very thankful.... Its been almost 7 weeks now since she was told she had only 4 left to live and her condition has been steadily improving each day. If you want to learn more about MMS visit
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 18:36:12 +0000

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