My friend Shirley Johnson has this situation that I need to share - TopicsExpress


My friend Shirley Johnson has this situation that I need to share with you: No one in these United States, and or the world should be FORCED INTO ENTERING the BACK DOOR of their own HOME and Property because of the COLOR OF THEIR SKIN - this is simple un American. The following is the response I wrote to Mr. Morris Dees. It appears that although the Codes of Alabama are being BLATANTLY VIOLATED, no one is willing to help us because we are average Americans born with BLACK SKIN. Thus, At this juncture in America, I find it hard, nearly impossible to believe in an American DREAM. My family has endured the most unusual set of circumstances. Our aged and mentally ill mother was summoned to Court. Prior to the trial, it was noted that she was suffering from Alzheimers disease. Judge McDermott, not a medical doctor, determined that she was mentally fit to stand trial. This is a violation of: (1) his oath of office, (2) a blatant violation of our mothers due process rights, and (3) the codes of Alabama. As a result, we have lost a major portion of our property due to this judges participation in intrinsic fraud within the Court - our system of justice and equity. The persons he conspired with have; (1) committed extrinsic fraud upon the Court , (2) presented fraudulent documents to the Court - the Court accepted [them] without question because the person presenting them are Anglo-Americans; and (3) they have committed perjury in open court numerous times. Additionally, these persons in conjunction with the City of Satsuma, Alabama (Mobile County) are forcing us, under color of law, into ENTERING THE BACK OF OUR HOME. Mr. Maurice Kirk Harless, the grandson of the late James “Buck Harless” of Gilbert West Virginia committed FRAUD upon the court and perjury to gain title to our property. Prior to his taking our aged and mentally ill mother to court, he nor the others involved in the FRAUD had never been on or in possession of our family heir property. Mr. Maurice Kirk Harless, a Mobile Realtor built the “Gilbert Creek Subdivision” in Satsuma on the property that he stole from our family. His deed states that Hildreth Drive is to be left OPEN for us, the heirs of John Hilliard to access the FRONT of our HOME, he did the following : (1) closed the road to the FRONT of our HOME, (2) cut a TRAIL BEHIND our HOME as our only means of access, (3) illegally moved our USPS residential mailbox and placed it BEHIND our HOME, (4) assigned us a supposed [legal] ADDRESS TO THE OUR BACK DOOR, and (5) have threaten that if we call the POLICE AGAIN, WE WILL BE ARRESTED. My brother and I cut the underbrush out of what is left of the road in the front our home, (pride of ownership, right) and now we are being charged with trespass. A Section 1983 lawsuit was filed against Mr. Harless and the city of Satsuma, but we were recently informed that the Mobile, Ala. Court has DISMISSED ALL of these charges. In this Section 1983 case, Mr. Harless is counter-claiming trespass against us for cutting the underbrush in the road, which is an established easement to the FRONT of our HOME. In our present day society, one would naturally question, How can one human treat another in this manner ??? The Mobile court said that we cannot litigate this issue again, that we may not like it, and that we just have to accept this subservient treatment. For this reason, someone needs to sue the state of Alabama, Mobile County, the City of Satsuma and Mr. Maurice Kirk Harless (the grandson of the late James Buck Harless of Gilbert, WV) for forcing my family, under color of law, into ENTERING THE BACK OF OUR HOME because of the color of our skin, we are African Americans. Having to access our home and property from the BACK is a THROW BACK to the days of Jim Crow - this treatment of my family is like the act of the DEVIL embodied in the flesh. QUESTION: Who in this day and age (intelligence and technology) would ever conceive of , think of treating another human being in this manner, unless [they] see us as less than human, less than American, less than a creation of God. Under these circumstances, we are Blessed to have soundness of mind. The FRAUD and atrocity is being perpetuated against because of the color of our SKIN. We are African Americans. QUESTION: In the event of a tragedy, will the stand your groad defense apply? Today, I thought, the irony of it all. The upcoming trial is against us for trespassing the in road that has provided access to the FRONT of our home for more than one hundred years. This roadway has been used by the public at large, to include our U. S. mail delivery. Now, our U.S. mail delivery is BEHIND our home. The trespass supposedly occurred when we cut the underbrush out of what is left of the roadway to the front of our home. Resultantly,, we are being sued (1) by the persons who fraudulently stole our property, (2) who have illegally closed the entry to the FRONT of our home, (3) who have in essence has put us into an encampment, (4) who are making us receive all of our services in an subservient manner – at our BACK DOOR, (5) all because of the color of our skin. This treatment of my family has to be the most atrocious, brazen and conscious shocking thing that has happen to any American family in recent times. The most difficult aspect of this situation is that it is wrong, and it appears that no one can (or will) do anything to rectify the wrong, not even our justice system. WHY? ? ? I wish that I could just let it go, but..... this is just WRONG, NO ONE IN AMERICA SHOULD BE FORCED, UNDER COLOR OF LAW, THE LOCAL LAW ENFORMENT AUTHORITIES, AND THE COURTS, into ENTERING THE BACK DOOR OF THEIR HOME. OUR FRONT ENTRY DENIED BECAUSE WE ARE AFRICAN AMERICANS Please pray for me, as I am tempted to ...., and it helps me to understand why some people do unthinkable acts. Shirley Johnson - [email protected] Please, please HELP I dont know if there is anyone out there who could help her family with this.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 04:50:47 +0000

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