My friend from High School, Mike Dohmen, created a challenge here - TopicsExpress


My friend from High School, Mike Dohmen, created a challenge here (on facelike) to list the seven things that, and I will paraphrase a bit, create a sense of ire in a person. He listed his seven, so I thought I would give it a try. 1) The first thing that makes me a bit rankled of late is the participants in the ALS ice water challenge, as the rules require everyone agreeing to participate to either dump a bucket of ice water on their head or donate a 100 dollars to an ALS charity. I just wonder why no one opts to pony up the 100, and then pour the bucket of ice water over their head for refreshment after a long, hot workout. YEAH. 2) GEICO, 15 minutes will save you 50 dollars, but three years, three months, four days and 22 hours will get you a crappy settlement for the guy running the red light and demolishing your L1 and L2. (Go suck it GEICO, truth hurts you have no recourse) YEAH. 3) Still mad that rap and music are words used in conjunction ..... they are oxymoronic! YEAH. 4) STILL mad at Pepsico for putting out something called Pepsi Free in the 80s. Some comics at the Omaha Brewery Comedy Shoppe did jokes about getting arrested after walking out of the store with a six pack, cops beating them up....but seriously, when I buy something called Pepsi Free, I dont expect there to be any Pepsi IN IT. YEAH. 4) Taxi drivers in every city, everywhere I have ever gone that is big enough to have taxi service all suck, and they continue to exemplify new levels of suckage every time I see one on the road and it never gets better, plus most of them drive ugly cars, Thank God for Uber. YEAH. 5) Did I already say that GEICO really sucks? Yeah I guess I did, but I mean it, they really, really suck as it only took sixty-two days after arbitration requiring payment in 14 for me to get my crappy settlement check. To be fair I think 4 or 5 of those days were due to the lawyers. (DONT even get me started on those guys). 6) This one is serious....that rapists and anyone who hurts a little child do not get sentenced to life in a prison cell the size of a parking lot, that really infuriates me. 7) Mad at Eberhard Faber, the pencil manufacturer, now possibly Faber-Castell Aktiengesellshaft, and all other pencil makers, who make the number 2 pencil. See, in every dot test I ever took in school and after school, it says, use a number two pencil. There must be a billion people a year taking who knows how many tests, all using the number two pencil. So if that is the case, it must be a pretty popular pencil right? Then how come its not number ONE, YEAH. 8) Sorry Mike, I am gonna go over that seven limit, had I mentioned that GEICO really is an awful company, that they continue and will not cease sending me mail asking for my business even though I have told them I will never do business with them again because of how poorly they treated me, and how they refused to pay out a decent settlement even though they spend enormous amounts of money every day on annoying commercials mostly with a green lizard and my back still gives me trouble. YEAH 9) It also irks me that as Barry Bonds approached the number of homers needed to break Henry Aarrons all time homer record, and everyone KNEW he was a steroid abusing cheater, that baseball managers still chose to pitch to him. Does anyone remember even who won the Series the year he broke the Aaronss record? So why in Gods green Earth did they ever pitch to him. Walk him every time, every team so what. At least a cheater would not have his name on the leader board and it would have been fun to hear him whine. 10) That everyone who is a Federally elected official from the lowest Representative in the House to the President himself would not cut their compensation package to say 52k a year until the Federal budget deficit (which is ginormous!) is wholly eliminated. Have not heard one of them, either Dem or Rep or even Bernie Sanders the socialist recommend that fiscal conservatism. (GO Rand Paul, Ted Cruz et cetera, et cetera, et cetera all you fiscal conservatives- remember Leaders Sacrifice for Others) and finally 11) That my beloved Nebraska Cornhuskers, who recently joined the Big Ten Conference, which has what like 14 or 15 teams and why it is not the Big Fourteen or Fifteen, after all it is a COLLEGE conference and should no longer be the Big Ten, can no one count?, does not schedule a annual game with Oklahoma each and every year, meaning EACH AND EVERY year, and then run, run run the ball so they can go back to wearing 10 to 11 teams a year out and slaughtering them and only losing once or so to a team with vastly superior talent, well these things really, really baffle and befuddle me, especially the thing about the Big Ten, and the thing about running the ball, which linemen prefer and wears everyone else down by the third quarter, and especially that playing Oklahoma every year. Remember Will Rogers never met Barry Switzer. So there, Mike, my list of things that p*&^ me off. And thats all I have to say about that. . . . . oh did I mention GEICO sucks?
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:47:12 +0000

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