> < My friends Good bye! Good bye My friends! - TopicsExpress


> < My friends Good bye! Good bye My friends! > .................................................................................... 本來在前陣子,就準備要離開臉書一段時間; 由於台灣的餿水油食安嚴重,才又逗留下來, 關心事件發展及發表些文章 呼籲國內外朋友們,多多注意台灣的食安嚴重。 (台灣餿水油成份,還包含:病死動物的油脂、 廢棄的汽、機車油、製作皮革的廢棄毒油。 毒不毒?危害身體的嚴重性怎樣? 就讓朋友們各自考量。) 如今餿水油食安,還是延燒嚴重, 政府還只是做些表面工作,騙騙人罷了。 但關心的人,似乎寥寥無幾, 個人為文討論,也意興闌珊。 壞人幹壞事,是得寸進尺; 眾人冷漠,期待食安,絕不可能。 生命、健康都是自己的; 自己不在意,別人也難能多所置喙。 想健康,想未來,愛惜生命的朋友, 就請各自「自求多福,明哲保身」吧! 臨走前,自拍留個告別紀念照。朋友們!再見! (英文翻譯-Tan Jeryl ) .................................................................................... Originally, not too long ago, I was prepared to leave face book for some time. But due to the rancid water and oil issue, food safety is seriously compromised in Taiwan, urging me to stay on Facebook to remind my friends to be more careful. (Taiwan rancid water and oil ingredients, further comprising of dead animal fats, abandoned steam locomotive oil, toxic oil waste produced by leather. How is poison not poison? It will still damage our body. This will be decided by yourselves, my friends.) Today, rancid water and oil still exist and is still being used across the world. However, the government is merely fooling the people by solving minor issues and there are not many people who are concerned with this issue. This has been discussed all around the world, leaving most people to be downhearted. Those evil people will always be insatiable, indulging in their own greed. If no one decides to take notice on this food safety issue, do not bother looking forward to safer and healthier food. The health of each individual is solely on their own effort. Think healthy, think about the future, cherish life and friends, Please hope for the best and play it safe. Before I leave, I have left a farewell and commemorative photo. My friends. Good bye. Good bye. My friends. (English translater - Tan Jeryl )
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:07:11 +0000

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