My friends, I would like to take a few moments to address an issue - TopicsExpress


My friends, I would like to take a few moments to address an issue that has been bothering me for a couple of days. After posting pics last week of my, to date, 70 lb weight loss, I received a PM from someone on my friends list telling me that I really need to tone down my promoting of my ID Life business and the benefits I have obtained by taking ID Nutrition for the last 6 months, as they felt I may be offending some people and causing them to block me on their fb account. Are you serious?? Here is what I understand about Facebook. I created MY account so that I can post what I choose to post!! Period, end of story !! If you dont like what I post, DONT READ IT !! Simple as that!! The bottom line is this, we are all called to be witnesses as to the Grace and Mercy that our Heavenly Father has given to us, thru the death of His only Son, Jesus Christ. I have spent many years trying to put off that calling in my life and continued to do things my way, which has lead to many issues in my life, including the tremendous amount of weight gain I have experienced over the years. Thru my ID Life business, I know see the opportunity to help so many friends regain some control and balance in their lives, by helping them understand that our bodies are truly temples, given to us by God above, and we need to treat them as such. I assure you, I have not, nor will I ever reach out to any of you to discuss the benefits of eating healthy, supplementing properly, and exercising regularly, but I will certainly put the information out there, for each of you to read if you so choose, and make some educated choices pertaining to your health and well being. At that point, you know how to reach me to discuss the benefits of ID Nutrition, both from a physical and financial standpoint. I love seeing posts from so many of you who are already making changes in your life by either exercising or eating cleaner, or both. I know what it has done for me, and the pictures only tell part of the story. I will continue to post articles pertaining to healthy eating and the benefits of pharmaceutical grade vitamin/mineral supplements (as opposed to the Over The Counter products you can buy), so that in the event you make the decision to make those changes in your life in an effort to extend your time on this earth with your loved ones, hopefully I will cross your mind as a resource to contact for information and proven results. And on the spiritual side, all I can ask is that you figure out, in your busy, hectic schedule, how to spend a little quiet time with Him each day. Not to tell Him what you need (I assure you He already knows that), but to listen to what He has planned for you. I can assure you, life is much more stress free when you are walking WITH HIM, as opposed to walking apart from Him. My business has become my ministry, and I am looking forward to the journey down the path less traveled. As always, you can reach out to me directly at any time, 682-229-0199. Doesnt need to be anything specific, just call if you need an ear.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:52:38 +0000

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