My friends—you may have noticed that I have been pretty silent - TopicsExpress


My friends—you may have noticed that I have been pretty silent politically over the last few months. This is a political post: Over the last few days, evidence has come out that those in charge of putting ObamaCare together blatantly and purposefully deceived the American people. The architect of ObamaCare, Jonathan Gruber, in several speeches referred to the American people as too stupid to know what was good for them so it was up to him and his “elite” friends to take care of us. This is what Mr. Gruber said on several occasions, “the law was written in a deliberately ‘tortured’ way and relied on the ‘stupidity of the American voter’ to ensure its passage.” The Administration did this because they knew if they told the truth this bill would never pass. All along they knew we were not going to get to keep our doctors, our premiums were not going to go down, there would be a fine if you didn’t buy insurance, that the young and healthy would have to buy-in to support the program, that there would be death panels, that premiums would sky rocket. From the moment it was passed, with only Democrats voting for it, using the reconciliation process, it was done fraudulently and with intent to deceive the American voter. The sad part is that this Administration, which vowed to be the “most transparent” in history, has been anything but that. They have lied about virtually everything strictly for political expediency. As it turns out the murder of four of US citizens in Benghazi was not the result of a video, the IRS was singularly targeting groups in opposition to the President, the Attorney General really did sell arms to members of the Mexican cartel on purpose, the NSA was directed to target US citizens, and there never really were shovel-ready jobs. It’s time, my friends, to take back our republic from those who are seeking to dismantle it. When, when, when is enough enough? I would suggest to you that we are well beyond that point. It’s time to stand up and be heard!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:57:19 +0000

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