My good deed for the year.... For the last week or so when I - TopicsExpress


My good deed for the year.... For the last week or so when I am on the locomotive down near the Corning underpass, I could hear a dog howling and barking.... on and off. It was coming from a grove of trees and brush next to the tracks south of the underpass. If I happened to stop right next to there.. I could hear it, but couldnt see anything... ground cover is too thick. I had been seeing a big dog loose and running around and thought it was him back in there howling. Today, I was at my shop which is about half a block west of there. It was quiet outside.. all of a sudden I could hear that dog barking and howling. I thought to myself Im gonna go see if its that dog I been seeing. So, I walk down the alley over to that area.. quietly stepping on the concrete slab that is the remnant of the old Individual Mausoleum building... its littered with stones and pebbles and rubble. I dont see anything, so I walk on over towards the brushy area. There is a low concrete wall there.. I walk up to it. Its right at the edge of the forest.. stand there for a little bit looking thru the leafy underbrush...still nothing. I call out and whistle and make a kissing noise.... nothing. Hmmm... maybe it saw me and took off running. I quietly walk a little bit south along the edge of that brush..... I still dont see anything. I think to myself... walk a bit closer to the brush and poke your head in there and look around. Well, about 2 steps later all hell broke loose and that dog that I couldnt see sure saw me and came charging right at me outta the brush... til it hit the end of a chain it was hooked to. Scared the shit outta me!!! I thought I was dog bit! Well, after I cleaned my shorts out.... I inched closer and saw that it was skin and bones... brown and white fur.. shaking and shivering and scared shitless of me! It had evidently got loose somewhere and ran thru that brush and the chain got snagged on some tree roots.. and he was hung up... and eventually wound the chain tight to where he only had a few feet of slack. Nothing to eat or drink.... I walked back to my shop and grabbed a bag of dog food I happened to have (been feeding a cat) and a tub full of water.... Took them back over there... fended the dog off with a tree branch... and put the water down to where he could get at it. He was growling and barking and charging.... so I just sat there out of range til it calmed down. I tossed a little food down in front of him... no dice... he wouldnt take his eyes off me. I inched closer and held the open food sack down in front of his snout. Grrrrrroooowwwwwllll...... but finally it poked its nose into the bag and took a bite... then some more.... then backed out and growled at me some more. I got on the phone and called the cops and they brought the dog catchers truck over and extracted it... somehow.. I missed that part. So, if someone has lost a pet.. full grown dog.... its out at Allens vet.. I hope.. It had a red collar and was on a chain.... As loose as the collar was, Id say the dog has lost half its body weight.. ribs and hip bones were showing....
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:50:15 +0000

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