My good friend Leon, who I have pictures of below was taken to a - TopicsExpress


My good friend Leon, who I have pictures of below was taken to a Hospice facility last night. Even though I am sad, I hold Gods promises true that I will see Leon again. I use this life experience to encourage those of you that do not have peace over facing lifes greatest foe, Death! The pictures below were taken this year on Easter Sunday. Look at him, so full of life! Soon my friend will be in the arms of His Savior! Leon would tell me all the time that Chris Lynn was his girlfriend. I value greatly his friendship. I hope this poem that God lay on my heart will stir an awakening inside of some of you! Vapor Another of lifes many paths is coming to an end One I often traveled with my good friend An unlikely duo many think we did make But I know now God doesnt make any mistakes Last night, Leons son called me over to see him one last time My friend Leon who could barely talk, he had suddenly passed his prime As he laid in his bed struggling for a precious small breath of air I couldnt help but think of that old foe called Death was hovering there My countenance was broken as my friend was near Deaths door That old nemesis who we all fear as time passes more and more Then I started thinking of my other good friend Jesus Christ And the blessed promises He made to us after Calvarys great price With nails He hung on that Cross so everyone could believe There is a greater cause for our lives, for all of us to see This world is not our home we are just passing through That may be hard to understand but I pray that you all do My friend Leon will be missed every morning as I wake We often sit in my front room and some coffee he would take Those days are gone, like a vapor that so often would appear Now its just like an old movie in my mind that I hold so dear Yes, it is just a memory that will play over and over again As I think of Leon and the good times I had with my old friend I am sure you can relate to what I am desperately trying to say If you have lived very long youve experienced a similar day So what is life that we all seem to hold on to so dear Is it really life or the good friends and family that we experience here This life is nothing but a place or realm of time in which we all exist Someday this life will pass and another place and experience will persist Thats why God made those promises to all who will believe That from deaths shackles here on on earth He would set us free So the only hope we have is in Gods precious son Jesus Christ As we travel our own path in life allow Him to pay your sins price There is going to be a time when our lives will come to past And each of us will have all our earthly deeds and lots cast Either into a world of sorrow and uncertainty Or a place of bliss called Heaven for eternity My Mom and Dad are patiently waiting in Heaven up above I am sure soon my good friend Leon will be welcomed with much love How can we live without that promise inside all of our hearts That is why I am trying so hard to make you see before you depart Just like life this poem our lives will come to an abrupt end I hope that you will consider me as one of your good friends You see, many I have loved and lost to the one called the Grim Reaper But I honestly believe my precious Jesus is their Blessed Keeper It wont be long before the ones we lost we will see again Then it will be a glorious time that God promises will never end So please think about the path that you take ever day Because one day it will be finished and God will have the final say! James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. We are ALL flowers gently passing, here today and gone tomorrow! Pray as Leon goes through deaths door that he and his family will be comforted!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:08:18 +0000

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