My good friends Melinda and Devon, and my old friend who is - TopicsExpress


My good friends Melinda and Devon, and my old friend who is practically a brother to me, Garin, nominated me for the five day painting challenge. The idea is that I have to post three paintings a day over a five day period. I feel very honored to have been nominated by these great artists and now that my wife Heather is back from her business trip, I can finally get to my studio and sort through my archives and dig up some paintings that I havent posted before. Here are three paintings I did as a young man. One is a self portrait I did from life when I was 18. It was one of the first paintings I did in my freshman year at college. I was very excited to be in college and I felt like a man of the world. I was doing something that neither my mother, nor my father had done. Though I felt like I was constantly at war when I went to Parsons (because of the anti-traditional painting attitudes in the world, in the galleries, and at Parson), I was happy there because of the life experiences I gained, and because of the amazing people that I met. I was just an inner city ghetto kid and everyone my age seemed so grown up and sophisticated to me. They were from all over the world and I learned a lot about life because of all the different points of view. Im also glad I stuck it out because my graduating from college inspired my mother to retire early and go to college as well. She entered college at the ripe age of 62! It took her 15 years to graduate and she did! The old ladies in the neighborhood used to make fun of her and ask her whats the use of going to college at your age, no one is going to hire you?... My mom would answer, No one in my hometown had ever gone to college! Im going to graduate and when I die, I want to be buried with my degree in this hand (and she would make a fist) and graduation ring on this (and she would give them the finger!). Lol! I was very proud of her for that. The other two paintings are portraits of my little brother, the graffiti legend George Sen Morillo. I got into art through graffiti and was even arrested when I was 12 for writing on the subway walls. Used to take my little brother with me to write and he took up the reigns when I quit. My brother created a giant piece on the train and dedicated it to me! So I made the painting of him piecing and dedicated it to him. My brother used to spend a lot of time in his room drawing in his black graffiti sketchbook the other painting is a portrait of him doing that. I was about 21 when I did both of these paintings. I would like to nominate Miryam Soman for the 5 day challenge. Miryam is Max Ginsburgs wife and has been like a mother to me since I was in high school. She is a brilliant sculptor and I want everyone to know that Max, their son David, and their daughter Liana, arent the only great artists in that household.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:19:39 +0000

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