My goodness this day has flown by, which was a beautiful change of - TopicsExpress


My goodness this day has flown by, which was a beautiful change of pace considering the last few days felt like a few millennia. Today was a very very good day. Without realizing it, Id been waking up each morning with a new goal for Chase to reach in mind. Yesterday I just really needed him to look at me, to hear my voice and respond to it. And when he did, I was over the moon. Today I woke up needing him to squeeze my hand on command. He did. Early this morning he woke up (aware but still sedated - think: having a conversation with someone while youre three sheets to the wind and finding out the next morning you married that someone in a 24-hour drive thru chapel) So, he woke up, eyes focused, and upon command, squeezed the ever loving hell out of my hand. Repeatedly. This is pretty much been going on all day, hes burning through his sedation medication a lot quicker, so we spent a lot of time today trying to keep him from pulling his tubes out or trying to sit up. But, I got ALOT of hand squeezes and tons of purposeful movement. The highlight of the day: When he grabbed the collar of the nurse who was helping change his bedsheets and hauled her down her with him as he tried to roll away. He kept a tight hold on her while the other two nurses were laughing their butts off. (She was laughing as well... But also A little help, please?) Im sure everyone is wondering if we have an answer to what is happening or had happened to land him here. The short of it is, we dont. Not yet. But we have made do with that and are moving forward regardless. I dont really want to say much in regards to that, right now Im focused on taking it a day at a time, each day is a new goal, & tomorrows goal is a big one for me and him. Ill never be able to adequately express my gratitude to every single one of you who are keeping us in your thoughts and prayers, but for what its worth, with all my heart, thank you. Im sorry for the radio silence all day, but just as hes been doing all day, he woke up while I was writing this, for the 3rd time, and it takes some time to get him settled. Xoxoxo Liv and Chase
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 02:48:55 +0000

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