My grand son is now working in an Old People’s Home in Adelaide - TopicsExpress


My grand son is now working in an Old People’s Home in Adelaide after graduating as a nurse.In Australia there are many male nurses as opposed to India.Here a nurse means an uniformed lady,but I am sure in any hospital a male nurse would be as useful as the female nurses as there are many jobs where physical energy is definitely needed.I remember when I was a med.student I was asked to get any nurse from a certain ward.As I went there I did not see anyone there except one person attending to patients.I could not recognize him as a nurse and I came back.That is the usual thing here.Few days back I read in the paper that Govt. is now thinking of recruiting male nurses here in India.That would be a very positive step. Now about Old Peoples Homes.In foreign countries there is no taboo against the OPHs and it is natural to go to live there when people reach a certain age.Some of these homes are privately run and some are run by Govt.People have accepted it as a normal thing.Rishi,my g.son is very happy to work there as he can help some disabled persons in their daily chores He says that before he started working here he had an idea that old people should not be separated from their families and should be looked after by their own relatives.But now he feels that this is definitely a better option.I feel that every day here .My next door neighbor is a dementia patient,with 2 maids to look after.Every morning there is much problem to manage the daily routine.The maids here are not trained to do the job,sometimes they are illiterate but still we have to hire them under compulsion.Old homes are here but not enough and are very expensive.We have to change our mind set to improve the life and living of our seniors
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 02:08:35 +0000

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