My grandma used to say, Two wrongs dont make a right. I.E. just - TopicsExpress


My grandma used to say, Two wrongs dont make a right. I.E. just because everybody is doing it doesnt mean that its a good and right thing to do. With respect to contributing their fair share toward running the world in such a way that it doesnt destroy itself or leave vast areas as pockets of ungoverned blight, transnational corporations seem to be out to lunch. If everybody incorporated themselves, everyone could do the same thing and not pay any taxes at all like G.E., Apple, Twitter, and the others. That trend would lead to a wilder and wilder world which eventually would self destruct, and then the available market for corporations to tap would shrink to zero. So it seems like it would be in their interest to figure what a fair taxation regime would look like. With the invention of the internet, aviation, easy global communications... it seems to many that the world has shrunk to be like one village. The best answers to serious common problems like immigration / migration, refugees, wars, fair taxation, slavery, hunger, and business formation are often international in scope. Since the huge 180 or so nation U.N. as currently configured seems to have its feet and arms all tied up in spaghetti, maybe the smaller collection of uber-wealthy countries who are members of the O.E.C.D. could serve an important function by collaborating and initiating common solutions to common problems. Agreeing on the idea of no hiding places for wealth and fair yet not onerous tax policies for all the worlds multi-national companies, would be a nice thing for them to work on together and figure how to resolve. In my humble opinion, taxing something generally not good for the worlds economy such as tall piles of stagnant wealth should be preferred over taxing something thats generally good for the worlds economy such as income or consumption (sales). Such an idea also leads to what most would think of as a flat pain or exactly fair level of taxation for all. Similarly the allocation of benefits, xfer payments, and subsidies to help the least among us could be arranged along the same means tested or proportional to wealth axis. Moving toward exactly fair governmental revenue collection and benefit disbursement systems sounds like a good direction to me.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:35:34 +0000

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