My greatest concerns for the City of Belleville is our standard of - TopicsExpress


My greatest concerns for the City of Belleville is our standard of Living. The lack of jobs, high tax rates, ridiculous spending at City Hall is out of control. The more taxes that people are charged on top of the ridiculous hydro and fuel rates, on top of the extreme jump in most staple foods in producing a huge number of families in our community that are near to or below the poverty line. We have ridiculous expenses involving the police. Every year there are increases but no results. Everyone talks of the OPP but fail to talk of BPS.. A regional police force is the way to go. But the people of Belleville need to support it. It will save us 5-6 Million annually. Nearby municipalities will also see savings. Other emergency services need to be looked at for regional service as well. Another cost savings measure. When I see a family walking through the grocery store and see a cart full of pasta and canned sauce, $150-200 dollars worth I am concerned. This is the only food that they can afford and sustain for the month. Health is a huge concern for our community as well. When families eat the only way they can, they are not healthy. This leads to further issues involving our city. We have organizations that spend countless hours trying to help people .. But the list of people grows larger each month,. We as a community need to work together. We have the ability to reduce our cities costs, hydro rates and standard of living. That is my main objective. To post, write or publish everything that is in my plan would overwhelm not only everyone on here but basically the entire population of the City. I have stated this before and will so again. The Build Belleville Project is a deficit that not only us but our grandchildren will inherit. We will be paying for this project for generations. Council pulled this scheme out of their hat in an attempt to buy your votes for this coming election. Showing you millions of dollars of make believe pictures to convince you it was a good plan. I have reviewed the plan. Last week we were told that we need 440 Million in road repairs. Culhane tells us yesterday that it is over 900 million. So I must ask, What have they done in the past 8 years? Locked us in debt with minimum 4 % tax increases over the next 4 years minimum . This accompanied by the MPAC reassessment of 2015 , we will see tax increases on more than 22% by the end of year 4 if we continue down the same road. Are you al ready for that.? I think not. I will not allow this to happen. reduce budgets at City Hall, work with the province and colleges to train people for jobs to provide a viable work force in our community. We will build housing that is affordable for everyone. All at the same time reducing the 10% tax promise I have stated from day one. It can be done. It will be done. Certain councillors who are favoured in the media have disclaimed this saying it is not doable. I say Bullshit. It can be done Easily. We are presently over 100 Million a year in budgets. That is ridiculous. To spend 21 Million on downtown, STUPID. I have had electorates tell me that if Council wants to spend 21 Million on the road in front of their house , fix up their siding and advertise their house as a tourist attraction then Council had their votes. Belleville reaches from the Bay to Boundary Road in the north.. Wallbridge in the west and Craig road in the east. .... Council forgets this when they start spending money.. They have the mentality that Belleville stops at the 401. WRONG. When I am elected MAYOR I will provide results. Measurable results. I promise you all that the tactics of our present boys club will come to a screeching halt . So for all you people out there that have nothing positive about my platform of bettering our City and the people in our City I hope that I have now just shown to you that I do have a vision. People find fault in others if they have nothing else to find. Especially if they do not know them. I invite any and all to view my web page, facebook or twitter.. I realize that all the answers are not there but I will assure you all that I will get the answers to any questions you have. I will serve Belleville and its people. Not myself and the Operators that are currently running this City. p.s. If anyone would like a replica of my flight suit and wings let me know.. The REVOLUTION is about to begin. My advise is to get on board now,, ,,,,, Belleville is going to change.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:16:17 +0000

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