My guy likes saying to me: the reason we receive judgement from - TopicsExpress


My guy likes saying to me: the reason we receive judgement from others is not always because people are so interested and obsessed with finding fault in is mostly because of the positions we put ourselves in. We ask for the opinions, persecutions and attacks posed against us by placing ourselves in a position where judgement is compulsory.... He is saying that if u use microscopic lenses to judge others, placing urself at a position of self righteousness and perfection..the same lenses come right back at you to be used to judge u according to the righteousness or perfection you uphold for others My example: if u publish your relationship on social network, update people of every little step..flaunt its perfection to unconsciously send the message that their relationships are not as interesting as yours, and that is why yours should take the lime light....the very people will come against u and judge u, they will look for things that shows signs of imperfection and they will use it against is not that they persecute u for being happy, it is that u put urself in a position which says: I have the most perfect relationship! Unconsciously making them feel inferior and undeserving..and they have to prove to u that u are just as pathetic as they are! Same with the Christian faith much is being said about the church! Infact it seems all attention is out to find out what insanity comes out next, what disgusting deeds are perpetuated by religious leaders It is not that the faith is under attack and facing undue it is that the faith placed itself at a very convenient position for scrutinity. This is the faith which says that everyone else is a candidate for hell and Gods fury when they dont become Christians..this is the faith which renders everything and everyone in the world null and void aslong as there is no Christian stamp of approval! But on the same breath the very Christians seems to be just as human, and even more enclined to perpetuating hair raising deeds than the world! Which then brings the microscope right back on them..and ofcos it is easier to cry attack by the devil! Same way people who seeks for attention will cry jealousy when the attention to scrutinise their imperfect lives is brought on them
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 07:01:08 +0000

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